16 | we're a team

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we're a team.

THE NEXT DAY, Sabrina decides she needs to hang out with her non-satanic friends since the Dark Lord is pressing her to do things she doesn't want to

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THE NEXT DAY, Sabrina decides she needs to hang out with her non-satanic friends since the Dark Lord is pressing her to do things she doesn't want to. So Selene heads to the Academy alone, where she finds out she has to help out with the play they're doing, The Passion of Lucifer Morningstar.

She had purposefully skipped these certain classes, because she despises acting. Her father had forced her to do plays when she was younger, and she had slowly started to resent being on stage.

So now, Selene sits on the floor, snacking on some grapes as her, Prudence, and Agatha watch Zelda try to direct Nick and Dorcas. Nick is doing amazing, but Dorcas is a terrible Lilith. She's saying her lines all wrong, and she seems to not be interested in it at all. Instead of focusing on bettering her acting, she's focused on Nick. Selene can't really blame the redhead for being distracted by Nick. She just wishes it wasn't so terrible to watch.

"Ad fidem tibi domino obscuro," Dorcas says her lines, her hands pressed together like she's praying to Nicholas, who's playing Lucifer. She then turns her head so she can get a better look at Zelda. "Did I say that right?"

"Not remotely," Zelda answers bluntly, looking like she wants to poke her eyes out. "Do you even know what it means?"

"Um..." Dorcas begins, racking her mind for the answer as she rises to her feet.

"It means, I curse the false God and submit my fealty to you, Dark Lord," Zelda exclaims, getting into character as she throws the script she'd been holding to the ground.

"Uh, is it too late to get a refund on my ticket?" Selene leans over and whispers to Prudence quietly, making sure the others can't hear. She'd bought a ticket, because Nick is playing the lead, Ambrose is playing the false God, and Sabrina is Dorcas's understudy. Her sister snickers as Nick begins to cite his lines perfectly.

"Coram me suscipines damnationem aeternam."

"Very good, Nicholas," Zelda beams, looking at him approvingly. "But is put the emphasis on the-"

Selene zones out on their conversation as Prudence turns to her, giving her a curious look. "Is my dear sister jealous? That Dorcas is playing the lead opposite Nick."

"Actually, I'm perfectly fine with it," Selene replies honestly, not having any feelings of jealousy towards Dorcas and Nick. Nick hasn't shown any romantic interest in Dorcas since he broke up with all three Weird sisters years ago. And besides, Selene and Ambrose both trust Nick.

"Really?" Prudence raises a surprised eyebrow at Selene. "Because I would be pretty angry. We both know how handsy Dorcas can get with boys."

"I have other things to worry about than your sister's unrequited feelings for Nick," Selene remarks with an unbothered shrug. "But if I have to watch Dorcas say one more line wrong, I might get a little mad. I mean, seriously, who cast her as Lilith? I-"

She cuts off as she feels a slippery substance begin to trickle down her nose. She slowly touches it, and when she withdraws her hand, it's red. Blood, the girl realizes, finding that she has a nose blood. Witches don't get nose bleeds unless they've been overexerting their powers, and Selene hasn't even used hers today. "What the hell?"

"It appears you've been cursed," Prudence sighs, standing up and offering the redhead her hand. "Come, lets get this fixed."

"Do you know who did this?" The redhead asks suspiciously, staring at her sister's outstretched hand hesitantly before taking it. Prudence shakes her head as she helps the to her feet. The pair slip out of the room unnoticed and walk to Selene's room.

Once they reach her room, Prudence sits down on the bed and Selene rushes to the bathroom, pulling all of her clothes off. She then jumps into the shower, muttering a spell used to remove curses. It, however, doesn't work, and she realizes this as a wave of dizziness crosses her. The girl stumbles out, wrapping a towel around her body as she calls out her sister's name, wondering what's happening to her. Prudence rushes into the room a moment later, her eyes widening once she sees that Selene's nose isn't the only thing bleeding now. Her ears also have a steady stream of blood coming from them.

"It didn't work," Prudence whispers, gently cupping her sister's face in disbelief. "Why didn't it work?"

"Maybe it's not a curse," Selene suggests, wondering how this is even possible. She's never bled like this before, especially for no apparent reason. "Maybe-"

She cuts off as her legs give out from under her. Prudence catches her before she hits the ground, but then she passes out. Prudence stares down at her sister's body before she begins to yell. "Help! Somebody help!"

Upon hearing her screams, Zelda rushes into the room, gasping once she sees Selene. She picks up the unconscious redhead and the pair rush Selene to the witch doctor. Word spreads quickly about the incident, but nobody knows how to stop the bleeding. Nobody except Sabrina.

Once Sabrina hears about this, she knows it's her fault her best friend is suffering. This is her punishment for defying the Dark Lord. So she goes to the Dark Lord, and this time, she does exactly what he tells her to.

And then, out of nowhere, the bleeding stops, and Selene wakes up perfectly fine. When her eyes open, Sabrina's sitting at the edge of her bed. Everybody else is right outside the room, relived that Selene's okay.

"You're okay," Sabrina beams, throwing her arms around the redhead. Selene is stiff for a moment, but she melts into the hug after a moment.

"What happened?"

"It doesn't matter," Sabrina shakes her head, pulling away gently. "What matters is that you're okay."

"You saved my life, didn't you?" Selene infers, the realization hitting her like a brick. The witch doctor couldn't fix her, because the Dark Lord was the one hurting her. "You protected me."

"Well, I guess things can change," Sabrina smiles before holding out her pinkie. "Let's make a pact. We protect each other now, not just you protecting me."


"But nothing," Sabrina cuts her off, keen on getting Selene to agree. Her almost dying had scared her. She doesn't know what she'd do without Selene. "You've had my back for as long as I can remember. You need somebody to have yours. And I'm gonna be with you, Selene, forever. You and me—we're a team."

"Okay," Selene nods simply, wrapping her pinkie around Sabrina's. And while, it might not have meant a lot at the time, it's a promise both girls will keep. The play ends up going great, but that's not what Selene and Sabrina will remember from this day.


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