32 | the end of days is upon us

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the end of days is upon us.

SELENE MAKES SOME tea while her and Nick wait on Sabrina in the kitchen

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SELENE MAKES SOME tea while her and Nick wait on Sabrina in the kitchen. After a few minutes, Sabrina walks into the room, looking shaken. "I tried vanishing it, but nothing happened. It didn't work. I didn't work."

"Why not, do you think?" Nick questions, unaware of what they've been doing recently. Selene and Sabrina exchange guilty glances, feeling guilty for not including him.

Selene heaves a sigh before telling him about the events of this morning and last night. "Well, last night, Sabrina asked me and Ambrose to help her perform a mandrake ritual. We thought it didn't work, but if she doesn't have her powers, then it must have. So apparently, we have another Sabrina running around Greendale."

Nick's eyes widen before he turns to face Sabrina, looking at her as though she's made of glass. "Does that mean you're..."

"Mortal?" The white headed girl raises an eyebrow. He nods, and she returns the gesture. "Yes, but I couldn't let my legacy be the destruction of the world."

Selene gently pours herself a cup of tea, sipping the hot liquid as Nick talks. "I couldn't find anything in Edward Spellman's writings about prophecies, but then, Cassius hooked me up with the Tome of Tomes. The Codex Prognostica. It's the definitive collection of all infernal prophecies ever written. I narrowed my search to prophecies focused on women and found an obscure footnote. A prophecy about a half-shadow girl and her protector, two girls who will precipitate the End of Days by performing a series of Satanic perversions that mock blasphemous versions of several miracles performed in the Bible."

"What miracles?" Sabrina questions curiously. "Have I done any of them?"

Selene scans the book quickly before gasping, grabbing the book from Nick. "An exorcism, raising the dead, crossing into limbo, restoring eyesight to the blind. Brina, you've done all of that."

Sabrina stares at the red haired witch in shock before Selene continues on down the page, looking at the part about her. "And like the half-shadow girl, the protector is a hybrid of 2 species. Half-witch, half-banshee that actually has fire in her soul. She'll wield a sword that the fire will call to."

"But luckily, whatever perversions are left, neither of you have done them yet," Nick states as Sabrina pauses, realization crossing her face.

"Wait, wait, wait. All those miracles, I did them all at Ms.Wardwell's behest."

"And Caroline is the one that gave me my sword," Selene quips, running a shaky hand through her fiery red hair. "They must've both know about this. They must've wanted us to fulfill it."

"Then why would Wardwell have told you to give up your powers now?" Nick asks Sabrina, who shrugs.

"Because we found out about the prophecy. And she knew because I told her that I would never see it completed. So she suggests I create a Sabrina that would do her dirty work. A Sabrina that would bring about the End of Times."

"So Wardwell was playing you," Selene whispers, wondering if that's what Caroline has been doing with her. She feel herself begin to grow angry, because she's always viewed Caroline as an ally. A friend, even. She can't say the same about Wardwell. "And Caroline's been manipulating me. You guys go deal with Wardwell, and I'll go figure out what Caroline's been up to."

The trio then part ways, and Selene heads to the Academy. She slips in unnoticed, and immediately heads to Caroline's room. She finds Caroline in her room, and the blonde gives her a confused look when she slams the door closed behind her.

"Selene. What're you doing here? I-"

"You showing up after me and Sabrina conjured hellfire wasn't a coincidence," Selene declares, silently wanting the Reynolds girl to tell her the truth.

"Your father called me-"

"I know, but you came with ulterior motives, didn't you?" Selene huffs, quickly silencing the Reynolds girl. "You've known about the prophecy this entire time. That's why you gave me the sword."

"I can explain," Caroline assures the redhead, and Selene motions for her to do so. "I've had the sword since your grandmother died. She gave it to me for safekeeping. It sat in a box in my home in London until the Dark Lord visited me a few weeks ago. He told me to give you the sword. I've known about the prophecy since it was first written, so I knew what he was trying to do. But he asked a favor of me, and I couldn't refuse."

"You could've refused. You chose to do it," Selene counters, knowing just how persuasive the Dark Lord can be. She doesn't know what to do with Caroline, but she knows she can't trust her right now. Her mind is racing, but she knows she has to go protect her best friend. "I have to find Sabrina-"

"I can help-"

"No, you've done enough," Selene shakes her head at the older witch before she slips into the hallway. She heads towards the exit of the Church, only to run into Prudence, who looks frazzled.

"You were right about our father," Prudence informs, making the redhead stop in her tracks. She latches onto Selene's wrist, and drags her into the closest room. "He's gone way too far. He arrested Zelda, but I'm going to release her now."

"I'm going to find Sabrina," Selene states, giving her half-sister a quick hug. "It's good to have you back, Prudence. Come with me. Our father won't be able to harm you at the Spellman's house-"

"I can't leave my sisters," Prudence insists, having her mind set on protecting the people she loves. "He has Leticia now. And I must protect Dorcas and Agatha. If I don't protect them, who will? And the others? I won't leave the coven behind."

"I'm gonna find the Council after I find Sabrina," Selene tells the girl with a reassuring smile. "They'll help us fix this."

With that, she leaves the Academy, setting her path for the Spellman's house. As she walks, she pulls out her phone for the first time all day. She suppresses a gasp once she sees all of her texts.

From Brina
me and ambrose found the mandrake.
i challenged her to a duel at dawn in
the clearing near the lake. it's the
only way to end this once and for

From Ambrose
where are you? i need to know
you're safe

From Caroline
i'm sorry. please don't do anything

From Nick
you have to stop sabrina from killing
her mandrake. that's the last part
of the prophecy!!

Selene feels her blood run cold as she reads Nick's text, so she uses transmutation to get to Sabrina as quickly as possible. She gets there at the same time as Nick and Ms.Wardwell, but by that time, it's too late.

Ambrose stands a few feet away from Sabrina, who's crying over her look-alike's dead body. She looks up at them sadly, tears shining in her eyes. "It's over."

"No, Brina..." Selene whispers, her voice barely audible. She looks worriedly at Sabrina, who looks as pale as a ghost. "You just finished the prophecy."

"Killing yourself," Ms.Wardwell breathes, looking like she now wants to stop the prophecy. "It was the final perversion."

"What are you saying?"

"The prophecy is being fulfilled," Ms.Wardwell answers as the witches and warlocks look at her with fear in their eyes. "The End of Days is upon us. The Dark Lord will walk the Earth in His true form. The Gates of Hell will open. And you, Sabrina, will sit by His side and rule as His Queen as Selene protects the Gates of Hell."


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