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THAT NIGHT, NICHOLAS and Ambrose end up having to go meet Selene's father at a club

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THAT NIGHT, NICHOLAS and Ambrose end up having to go meet Selene's father at a club. It's a tradition for warlock's to go partying the night before a Top Boy competition, so Selene decides not to question it when she doesn't get invited. After all, she's not a warlock.

So she decides to stay in her room at the Academy and study. However, at ten till midnight, she gets hungry, so she heads to the kitchen to get a snack. But on her way there, she hears a weird noise behind her. She turns around, thinking it's just a random warlock coming back from the club, but it's too dark for her to see anything. "Hello?"

She doesn't get an answer, so she uses her powers to turn the lights on. When she does, she sees someone with the head of a goat dressed in a cloak.

"Who the hell are you?" Selene demands, tilting her head to get a better look at the person before her.

"You are the child born of a Blackwood," the being says, its voice deep and scratchy.

"I know that," Selene states, her voice as sharp as ice. "You still didn't answer my question. Tell me who you are before I-"

"I am Beelzebub," it introduces itself, and Selene instantly recognizes the name. Beelzebub is one of the princes of hell, and the prince of demons. "I bring you the one thing that can swarm and infect even a Blackwood."

Selene realizes this isn't a joke as the demon releases a gigantic swarm of bees. Fear overcomes her as the bees rush towards her, and she does the one thing she can think to do. She throws her hand in front of her body, and hopes she's faster than they are. "Ignarious!"

As soon as she says it, the bees go up in flames. She watches as they burn to a fiery crisp, and then she glares at the demon. "Is that all you've got?"

She then takes a deep breath, reciting a spell that'll banish him. "Tergente fuoco quod evoco. Te exigo. Tergente fuoco quod evoco. Te exigo. Tergente fuoco quod evoco. Te exigo."

By the time she finishes the spell, the demon is close enough to her that he could kill her. She bites down on her lip nervously as the demon freezes and vanishes into thin air. She heaves a relived sigh before deciding she doesn't wanna sleep here tonight, so she gathers her things and walks all the way to the Spellman's house, finding the cold night air relaxing.

She finds Ambrose in the living room. Sabrina sits on the couch in the middle of the room, looking nearly as spooked as Selene feels.

"Hey, Selene," Ambrose greets her with a smile, pouring himself a glass of scotch. He then pours her one and she takes it gratefully, plopping down on the couch besides Sabrina. Ambrose sits down next to her.

"You guys won't believe the night I've had," Selene huffs tiredly, downing her scotch in one go. She then pours herself another one, wondering who would've sent the demon.

Wicked | Ambrose Spellman and Nicholas Scratch [2]Where stories live. Discover now