25 | repenting isn't my thing

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repenting isn't my thing.

"PRUDENCE!" SELENE YELLS her sister's name angrily three days later as she bangs on the doors of the Academy

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"PRUDENCE!" SELENE YELLS her sister's name angrily three days later as she bangs on the doors of the Academy. She's wearing a pair of gloves since her father changed it so that she, Nick, and Sabrina can't open the doors anymore. If they try, they'll get burned.

After a moment, the door opens and Prudence appears, smirking nastily at her sister. "Silly Selene. Did you burn your hand? As long as you're expelled, there's no getting through these doors for you."

"I was smart enough to wear gloves," Selene informs, flashing the girl her red Versace gloves. She feels herself getting angry, but right now, she doesn't care. She's getting impatient. She wants to see Ambrose. "I couldn't care less about coming back to this hell hole. I just wanna see Ambrose."

"You're in no position to be making demands, sister," Prudence points out, clearly enjoying being the favorite daughter. She bathes in attention and power, the way she always has. "Your traitorous boyfriend assassinated the Anti-Pope. And then he nearly murdered our father in front of the entire coven."

"That's bullshit, and if you weren't busy being our father's little bitch, you would be able to see that," Selene hisses, angry. This is all too much for her. Ambrose is in jail, she's not on speaking terms with Nick, and she still hasn't heard from Louna. She needs to know if Ambrose is okay and the person Cleo was talking about in the letter. And right now, she's taking her anger out on her sister. "Just let me see him."

"Our father gave me strict orders," Prudence states, not budging. "And besides, why would I do you any favors? Our only connection is blood, and we only tolerated each other because decorum and the Dark Lord required it. So run along and trust that my sisters and I are taking extremely good care of the prisoner-"

She cuts off as Selene uses her telekinetic powers to force her sister to come outside. Once she's out of the school's wards, Selene pushes her sister against the wall roughly, glaring at her. "Okay, I'm done playing nice. I was glad to be cool with you when you were acting like a sane person, but our father is clearly brainwashing you. So if you so much as touch one hair on Ambrose's head or come near me and my friends when you're like this, I'll kill you."

She then lets her sister go, and Prudence stares at her in shock. But after a moment, she manages to compose herself and glares at her. "I could have you put in the Witch's Cell with your boyfriend for that."

"Try it, I dare you," Selene huffs, not bothering to look back at her sister as she heads to the Gray Room, where Nick has been drowning his sorrows for the last couple of days. However, she doesn't know this, because of Nick. She knows, because Dorian texted her and told her he's worried about Nick.

And when she gets there, she finds him sitting at the bar, a bourbon in hand. She tilts her head at him. "Isn't it a little early, Nick?"

"It's the witching hour somewhere," he counters, making her roll her eyes. But when she gets closer to him, she grimaces. He reeks of alcohol.

"You sound like Tristan."

"You're too young to be a sad old drunk," Dorian comments, uncomfortable. He likes Selene, but he doesn't wanna be here right now, watching their relationship fall apart.

"I'll drink myself to death if I want to, and besides, I'm allowed to grieve, guys, I was expelled and my boyfriend was arrested for treason," Nick counters, clearly mad at her. She's not sure why, but he blames her for this. "You see, Selene, this isn't the same for you. I only had the Academy. It was my home, but you- you can always run back to Sabrina, your mortal friends, and your mortal school."

"Are you serious right now?" Selene scoffs at him, disbelief written all over her face. She can't believe him right now. "This is how you react when things don't swing your way? You blame me? I didn't even know about your and Sabrina's plan. I could've told you how miserably it would fail-"

"Selene Blackwood?" A blonde girl in a blazer asks abruptly, a sadistic smile on her lips.

Selene and Nick slowly turn to look at the girl, and Selene crosses her arms suspiciously. She doesn't know the girl in front of her. "That's me. What do you want?"

"Repent. And beg the Almighty for his forgiveness."

She scoffs, turning to Dorian. "Yeah, that's not really my thing. Gray, how'd the mundie get in here?"

He shrugs, moving to escort the girl out, but she stays put, narrowing her eyes at them dangerously. "Then you and the rest of your kind can burn in Hell."

She then pulls out her crossbow with inhuman speed, and loads an arrow into it, aiming it at Selene. The Blackwood girl gasps as the arrow flies, coming straight towards her. But it never hits her, because Dorian uses transmutation to jump in front of her, protecting her before he protects himself or Nick. It buries itself in his neck, and he falls to the ground.

Selene gasps, taking this as her chance to gather her bearings as she pushes Nick behind the bar forcefully, knowing he's too drunk to do any magic. She then narrows her eyes at the witch huntress, raising her hand towards him. "Phasmatos Morsinus Pyrox Allum."

As soon as the words fall from her lips, the girl drops the crossbow, clutching her head in pain. Blood begins to pour from her eyes, and then Selene focuses her attention on the crossbow, willing it to come towards her. "Motus."

The crossbow then flies through the air and she catches it with ease, pointing it at the huntress as Dorian rises to his feet, pulling the arrow out of his neck with a groan. He glares at the girl, appearing to be perfectly fine. "You shot me. You bitch."

The girl gasps, staring at him in disbelief as the pain from Selene's spell begins to ease up. "I put an arrow through your neck."

"Yes. This one," Dorian snaps as he stabs the huntress with her own arrow, burying it in her chest ruthlessly. He then leans forward, getting in her face. "You see, I have a very peculiar invulnerability which makes me insanely difficult to harm."

"Thank Satan, you're okay," Selene beams at him, relived. She'd heard the stories about just how immortal Dorian is, but she's still surprised to see him standing here, just fine. She then smirks at the huntress. "But lets not kill her yet. We need some answers first."


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