Chapter 1 Part 2

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I asked, "Laurance? What are you doing here? Have you been standing out here this whole time?" He replied, "An angel like you was worth waiting for." I just blushed and giggled.

He continued, "Also, the King requested a house be prepared for you to spend the night in since it's almost nightfall. I would be honored if you would allow me to escort you there." I nodded and followed him.

He led me to a nice, small house where I could rest for the night. "Thank you Laurance. I really appreciate this. Send my thanks to the King as well. Good night Laurance." "I sure will. Sleep tight, my love." He left and went back to his duties as Head Guard. It annoys me a little bit every time he calls me 'his love', but it's also kind of cute. I was so tired, I just went straight to bed.

*Time skip*

The next morning, I woke up early, before the sun even rose, and headed to the kitchen to make myself some pancakes, when I accidentally burnt my hand on the stove and tripped out of fright. I could hear Laurance right outside. In seconds, Laurance rushed over, broke down my door and knelt over me while holding my injured hand and the back of my head in his strong, soft hands. I was so shocked to see him there. I also figured out just how much strength he truly possessed.

He panicked and said, "M'lady, are you alright? I'll apply first aid immediately!" "L – Laurance I'm... f – fine." I said in a faint, soft voice. By that time, it was already more than four hours past sunrise. Out of nowhere, Garroth appeared and said in shock, "M'lady! What happened here? You get your filthy hands off of her this instant!"

Garroth seemed very angry with Laurance. He pushed Laurance out of the way and held onto me, staring into my fading eyes. I eventually slightly passed out, but yet I was still awake. Garroth picked me up and carried me bridal style in his strong, muscular arms and took me to the doctor nearby. The whole way there I could vaguely hear him and Laurance yelling at each other about what happened to me. Moments later it felt like everything went black and I went unconcious.

About three hours later I woke up, of course, finding both Garroth and Laurance standing by my bedside. It was already noon then.

They were both so glad that I was fine. Laurance said excitedly, "My love! I'm so glad you are awake! I was so worried!" "Excuse me? 'My love'? What is he talking about?" Garroth asked in utter confusion. I replied with a giggle, "Don't mind him Garroth. He's been calling me that ever since I arrived in Meteli." "I see. Should I have a word with him about that, your majesty?" I nodded.

He took Laurance outside and talked to him about his behaviour. Everything calmed down a bit. The doctor said that I just had a minor burn and head injury, that I could go home immediately if I wish to do so.

*Time skip* (About an hour)

I was escorted to a ship by both Laurance and Garroth. The entire way there they just kept staring at each other.

We arrived at the docks. I turned to Laurance and said, "Thank you Laurance, f – for all the help. It was a pleasure meeting you. I will hopefully see you again someday." He replied with a smirk, "The pleasure was all mine, my love. I – I mean, m'lady! Safe travels, your majesty, and I hope to see you again soon."

He winked at me and left. Garroth looked at him and let out a bit of a growl, which was kind of cute in some way. The trip back to Allegiance was only thirty minutes by boat.

As Garroth and I were sailing back home, I talked to him about his actions towards Laurance. I asked, "Garroth, why did you act so hostile towards Laurance when you arrived?"

"W – W – Well... I – I – I thought that he was trying to hurt you. So, I tried to get him away from you as best I could. Seeing as I am your guard, it is my sworn duty to protect you and keep you safe. No need to worry about it though. While you were unconscious, we talked about it and he told me exactly what really happened." "I see. Well then, thank you for being there for me Garroth."

He replied, "Anytime, my liege. I just, didn't like the way he held onto you. I don't enjoy seeing other men putting their hands on you like that."

Oooooooohh gettin' kinda juicy already guys and gals!

Hope you peeps enjoyed that! What will happen next? Is Garroth getting jealous???

Next part of the story coming in 2 days...

Later fam!😉

Laurance Zvahl X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now