Chapter 3 Part 2

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He kissed me after removing his shining armour and we sat down to eat. I said, "I made all our favourites, and for dessert, some of these." I showed him a big bowl of chocolate covered strawberries. He winked at me and said, "You remembered." "How could I forget?" "Good point." We ate everything. The strawberries we ate while watching the sun set at our favourite spot.

I said, "It's getting late and I still have another surprise for you mister." "Of course, my love. Before we go though, I have a little something for you." He reached into his pocket and took out a small box. He gave it to me and said, "Happy anniversary my darling." I opened it and inside was a beautiful necklace in the shape of a heart. It opened and had a message written inside which said, "Always be mine."

I stared into his eyes and said, "Always

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I stared into his eyes and said, "Always." He put the necklace around my neck and I said, "I will always have it with me. I promise." He smiled, took my hand and we headed home. When we arrived, Laurance stopped, looked up and asked,"What happened to the balcony?" "You'll see." I giggled a bit.

We went inside the house and walked towards the stairs. Before I could even get on the first step, Laurance grabbed me and picked me up bridal style, carrying me up the entire staircase. He eventually put me down on the balcony.

I said in shock, "Laurance! You scared me!" "Scared you, surprised you, or made you swoon over me more?" He winked at me and I said, "Probably all of the above." We just laughed together.

We stopped, and I said, "L – Laurance. You have been there for me ever since I can remember. We looked past each other's flaws and our histories. You always make me happy in your own ways, and that's why I love you." "I was going to say the same things. I love you two, with everything I have in me." "Yes, but, I also accepted you into my heart while you were all alone, but that might change soon." "What do you mean?"

"L – Laurance I – I – I'm..." "My love, you're what?" "I'm, pregnant." He was suddenly speechless, and I asked, "Are you okay?" "What are you talking about? 'Okay' doesn't even begin to describe how I'm feeling right now. I'm so happy!" He grabbed me around my waist, picked me up and turned around in a circle. He put me down and teared up a bit, and so did I.

I put my hand on his cheek and just held him. He was so happy that he was going to become a father. I was just as happy. We just sat on the balcony and watched the stars. A while later, I fell asleep. He carried me to bed and gently put me down.

*Time skip*

The next morning, I woke up and he was lying next to me. He said with a smooth voice, "Good morning, beautiful." "Morning, you." "How did you sleep last night?" "After all the work yesterday, like a rock." He just laughed at me. I turned to him and asked, "Hey, Laurance? C - Can I, ask you a serious question?" "Of course. Anything for you, vision of my dreams." he replied.

I giggled and said, "After you disappeared back in Allegiance, how did you know where to find me? It's just strange that you were gone and suddenly you found me here."

He took a deep breath and answered, "A friend of mine lived in the town nearby and told me that she saw you coming here. Heh, she was also the one who gave me this extreme makeover. After she transformed me, I came straight here.

The fisherman was already standing there, so I asked him to go and get you for me. I wanted it to be a surprise, which it was. I was in no pain at all directly after I escaped, so that must be why the pain only kicked in later."

I was speechless for a moment, then I said, "I never realized. You're here with me now, so no need to worry about finding me ever again." "I know. Any other questions, my love?" "Actually, yes. I – It... It's about, Garroth." "Garroth? W – What about him?" "Do you, perhaps still have any contact with him, or even know if he is alright?"

"I'm afraid not, love. I haven't seen him since that day we fought, when you stopped us." "I see." "Why do you want to know about him so suddenly?" "No particular reason. I just wonder sometimes, that's all." "Very well. Would you like some breakfast then?" "That would be great, thank you."

💘 OMG the romance! But oh, what's this, is Garroth coming back? Let me know.

Ya know the drill... DAILY!!! Until next time guys.

Later fam!😉

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