Chapter 1 Part 4

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He hesitated for a moment then said, "I know I can, it's just hard for me to talk about these kinds of things. When I walked in on you and Laurance, I thought that he was trying to make a move on you or even try to hurt you, even though it seems he would probably never try to do so. I understand that I can't stop you from seeing whoever you want, it's just..." He stopped and looked down.

I was confused and asked, "Garroth, what are you trying to say? Please, tell me." He took a deep breath, gathering all his confidence and thoughts together and said in a smooth voice, "How about, instead of telling you, I just show you." "Huh?" Before I could say anything else, he grabbed me by the waist and pressed his lips against mine.

For some strange reason I didn't want to pull away. He let me go and I said shyly, "T – That was, my first real kiss." "I – I – I'm so, so sorry! Please forgive me! I beg you not to tell Laurance about this." "W – W – Why not?" "He would be absolutely devastated if he found out."

Just then, Laurance appeared. There was anger and heartbreak in his eyes. Right after we stopped talking, Laurance ran over to Garroth and punched him right across the face without any hesitation. Garroth's nose was bleeding badly.

They started fighting each other with their fists while arguing over me and eventually pulled out their swords. Before they could get to each other, I stepped in between them to make them stop. "Enough!" I yelled at them both. Immediately, they stopped and put away their weapons.

"Both of you, stop it right now! Laurance, you need to go and cool off while thinking about what you just did. I don't want to hear another word from either of you! Understand?" They both said simultaneously, slightly under their breaths, "Yes, m'lady."

Laurance left and walked away angrily. I turned to Garroth and said, "Garroth, are you alright? I'm sorry Garroth, but, I'm just, not ready for any kinds of relationships right now with everything that's been going on. I... I just can't."

He replied, "I'm fine. I understand, and I am sincerely sorry for all my actions. I hope you can forgive me. You should go talk to Laurance, m'lady. I don't want him to be angry with you.

If he does have feelings for you, as I originally thought, then I wouldn't want to stand in his way, or even yours. Just know that I want you to be happy, no matter what you decide to do." "Thank you Garroth. I really appreciate that. You should get cleaned up. I'll talk to you later." I left and headed back home.

*Time skip*

On my way there, I remembered about the note Laurance gave me. I read it again and couldn't help but smile. I decided to go to the beach as he asked. The sun was already busy falling over the horizon as I arrived. I kept walking and eventually found Laurance standing there, looking off into the distance. I stood in front of him in silence.

Once again, just like Garroth, before I could say anything, he grabbed me by the waist and put his lips on mine. I was a little bit shocked. I couldn't help it, but it just felt right, even though I still didn't know him too well yet.

He pulled back after a while and said, "M – My love... I can't describe this, but the way I feel about you cannot be felt with any other girl I've ever met, and it's not because of your royal title... What I'm trying to say is, that, I – I have sincere feelings for you, more than you know. Even if you don't return those feelings, I will understand." "L – Laurance, I – I..." "Please. You don't have to say anything. All that I'm asking of you right now, is to give me a chance to at least get to know you better."

I replied with a giggle, "So, basically we're picking up where we left off this afternoon?" He let out a little laugh and said, "Heh, pretty much, yeah. So, what do you say, my liege?" I giggled and nodded.

*Time skip*

For a long time, we just sat on the beach talking to each other. I had a lot of fun just being around him. I suddenly felt like I changed my mind about what I had told Garroth.

Before I headed home, I faced Laurance and said shyly, "L – Laurance, I need to tell you how I feel..."

Hope you peeps enjoyed that cliffhanger! What's gonna happen? How does she really feel about Laurance? Let me know!

Ya know the drill! 2 days till Part 5!

Later fam!😉

Laurance Zvahl X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now