Chapter 3 Part 1 - Obligations of a Jury

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A woman, who no longer had to worry about any royal duties, nor worry about love issues, or so she thought. A man, who remained a protector, while having no worries about being cursed any longer. A young and happy couple, with not a care in the world.

It's only been about two years since Laurance and I got married, yet I was already expecting his child. The following day was our wedding anniversary, and I wanted to tell him the news myself.

When we both returned to Phoenix after the honeymoon, we built ourselves a small house with a small garden and a balcony with a great view of the town. Nothing too crazy or too big.

Overtime, Laurance earned the position as the town's Head Guard. Phoenix didn't have an official leader, but there was a guard system in place to protect the people. I would often help as well because of my past experiences in leadership.

I decided to walk with Laurance for the day while he was on patrol. We just talked, greeted the people and made sure everybody was doing alright. There was no sign of any kind of trouble or danger at all.

I couldn't help but smile the whole day long. Laurance seemed a bit confused by my constant smiling, yet he didn't say anything about it, or even question it. I was just so excited for the next day to arrive, so I could tell him the news. News that might change his life. He grew up as an orphan, so this could change him, in a good way of course.

*Time skip*

The day flew by and it became nightfall. We headed straight to bed, because all that walking really exhausted us, especially Laurance. He always looked so peaceful and handsome when he slept, especially in summer when he caused temperatures to rise through the roof when he wasn't wearing a shirt. Even after two years those abs were still perfectly the same.

*Time skip*

Morning came and Laurance headed out to work very early. He put on his uniform and armour, gave me a goodbye kiss on the cheek and left. The sun had barely risen when he left. It must have been something important if he had to come in that early. Luckily, it gave me plenty of time to prepare for that night.

The first thing to do, was to set up dinner at the docks. My friend, who was an expert fisherman, was already there to help me. He allowed me to use the docks for this special occasion. It took quite some time to set everything up, but we did it.

I headed back home to decorate the balcony. Another friend of mine, who was a florist, helped me do that. Everything came together perfectly.

As the sun started to fall, I went back to the docks to wait. I asked Laurance's friend, Dante from next door, to stop him from seeing the house. Dante has been training to become a guard ever since he was a teenager, and he became a guard in Phoenix about a year ago. Laurance took him on as his apprentice and they became good friends.

Dante had dark blue hair and light blue eyes. Before Laurance could see anything, Dante said, "Hey man. Before you go in, you should go to the docks first." "The docks? Why?" "I've said all I can say. You should go find out yourself." Laurance left and headed to the docks.

It took him a good couple of minutes to show up, but he did. I just stood there and said, "Surprise! Happy anniversary hon!" I walked towards him, gave him a kiss on the cheek and said, "I spent about the whole day preparing this and something else for later, with the help of some friends of course. So, what do you think?"

He smiled uncontrollably bright and said, "It looks amazing! How did you do this without me noticing? I was on patrol the whole day." "I have my ways. Now, are we going to eat or just keep standing here talking?" "Of course, my love. I actually have a suggestion for a good starter."

"Oh? And what's that?" He came even closer to me, put his hand on my cheek and said, "How about another kiss, with a side of extra me?" I just giggled shyly and blushed without saying anything.

Oooooooohh! How is this dinner gonna go down? Let me know.

Chapter 3 will be coming out daily just cuz. There will be about 8 parts and a bonus part at the very end. I hope you peeps are excited for it. Until next time!

Later fam!😉

Laurance Zvahl X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now