Chapter 2 Part 2

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I kept myself busy until the next day by resting, doing some chores and talking to some of my friends and other townsfolk. Finally, another sunset started to crawl upon the horizon. I headed to the docks as calmly as I possibly could, trying to keep my composure, but I just couldn't.

I sat on the dock, waiting for Laurance to show up. Barely 30 minutes and he made his appearance in the distance. Joy filled me as he came towards me, but also some anxiety. He seemed to look slightly away from me and he struggled to navigate himself towards me.

Eventually, he stood in front of me and I stared into his almost completely white eyes. This terrified me deep inside. I asked, "L – Laurance... Are you... blind?" He seemed so ashamed for that fact that he closed his eyes and turned his head away, looking at the ground next to him.

He said, "Y - Yes. It angers me and breaks my heart that I cannot see your intense beauty right now, my love." A tear started to roll down his face as well as mine as he kept looking down. I held his hands and said, "It's okay Laurance. Whether you can see or not, I'm here for you. Never forget that."

Even though he couldn't see my eyes, he knew that he was looking straight into them. We just sat by the docks until nightfall came. We went back home to get some sleep.

*Time skip*

The next morning, I went to get Laurance from his room, because we had a lunch date coming up. He was able to plan it while he rested. We got ready and left for the restaurant. I heard that it was a pretty fancy place.

He was in a tuxedo with a red tie and I had a flowing, breath-taking red dress on. Laurance didn't know that though. The whole way there he held onto my waist, because he said that he didn't want to lose me again. I assured him that that wouldn't happen again. The inside of the restaurant was simply amazing. A waiter took us to our table and we sat down. The food was spectacular, but the events after that weren't.

As we waited for the bill, a stranger approached me and started to flirt with me, but then started telling lies and rumors about me. He noticed that Laurance was blind, so he tried to take advantage of that. Laurance said with a growl, "Excuse me sir, but I do not appreciate you talking to my lady like that. Please leave."

The man said sarcastically, "Oh, you 'saw' that, sorry. Though you probably won't 'see' me giving your lady friend here a little kiss, right?" "Don't, you, dare..." "What are you gonna do, stare me to death? You should just sit back, shut your mouth and 'watch'. Oh wait, that's right, you can't."

Laurance started to fill with rage. He could sense the stranger moving closer to me while grabbing onto me. I was struggling and whimpering while trying to get away, but the stranger was a lot stronger than me.  Laurance yelled and transformed into something, dark and almost evil. Everybody around us, including me, froze up.


"No. It can't be! A Shadow Knight!" I said quietly. I walked towards him and said, "Laurance, stop! He isn't worth it!" Laurance said, "I DON'T CARE!" "This is not the Laurance I know! He would never hurt the innocent!" "I WILL HURT HIM AND ANYONE WHO TRIES TO TAKE YOU AWAY FROM ME! This is just the side of me I've been trying to hide from you!"

I responded, "Laurance..." I went closer to him and put my hand on his cheek, pressing my lips against his. After a few seconds he changed back to his normal self.

He stared into my eyes and quickly got dizzy after transforming. I put his arm around my neck and my hand around his waist and helped him get home. I didn't even care that everyone was staring at us. When we got back home, I helped him get to his bed and he told me everything he remembered. What he told my left me in total shock...

😰Wow, talk about intense! What do you guys think happened, and what will happen next? Let me know.

Ya know the drill, 2 days! Until next time peeps.

Later fam!😉

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