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Hey guys! Sorry but unfortunately this isn't the next chapter of this book, but just a little note for y'all...

Firstly, I hope you all had an awesome Christmas and are excited for a new year ahead.

Secondly, I will try and start Chapter 2 of this book hopefully this weekend or beginning of next week.

Thirdly, do you guys think I should upload the parts of Chapter 2 and 3 daily or should I continue doing it every second day? Please let me know what you guys would prefer, otherwise I'll just keep it every second day.

Fourthly, I've got a few ideas for stories in the future BUT they will most likely take a lot longer to publish than this book...
The first reason for this is because I had actually already written this story about a year ago, before I even discovered Wattpad.
The second reason for this is because school is gonna be crazy and stressful cause next year is my final year of high school.

Lastly, any ideas and suggestions for stories are welcome. If I like the idea, I will try and write it.

So please guys all I ask is that you guys have just a little bit of patience with me. Also thanks for the little bit of support you guys have shown for the story so far, even though it's really not a lot, but I really do appreciate that tiny bit.

With that being said, I hope you guys are hyped for Chapter 2 coming soon. It's gonna be just as epic as the first one, if not better. Until next time peeps!

Later fam!😉

Laurance Zvahl X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now