Chapter 2 Part 1 - A shadow's love unseen

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It's been quite a few days now since Laurance has been taken by the Shadow Lord's goon. I didn't even know if he was still alive or not. He always worried me so much. I guess only time would tell if he was okay.

A few of my friends visited me to try and get my mind off everything, but it seemed impossible. I could only think about him and wonder what happened to him. What I didn't know, was that all that was about to change...

*Time skip*

Two days later, a while before sunset, my friend, who was a fisherman, came to me and said with a smirk, "There is somebody waiting for you on the docks. You should go look." I was confused, but also filled with a bit of hope. I went there as fast as I could while sunset was getting closer. When I got there, there was a figure standing there.

At first, I didn't recognize him, but then it hit me when he turned around. From a distance he looked me dead in the eye. He had a complete transformation it seemed. From having long, orange hair and green eyes, he then had short, flowing brown hair and somehow, ocean blue eyes.

"L – Laurance? Laurance!" I said as I literally ran towards him and jumped into his arms. Tears of joy rolled down my face as I simply couldn't control my emotions. He held onto me and spun me around. After a moment he put me down.

For a while, we just sat side by side on the docks, watching the beautiful sunset go by. He turned towards me, put his hands on my shoulders, looked deep into my eyes and said, "I need to tell you something. Something I – I've been wanting to tell you since that day I met you back in Meteli. I – I – I... L – Love... Y... Ugh!"

He was suddenly in excruciating pain. Panic coursed through my body, but I immediately went to get help. I could still hear him screaming in the distance. When help had come, he was completely blacked out. "Laurance?! Laurance get up! Don't leave me again Laurance! Laurance!"

The few people who suddenly surrounded us tried to pull me away from Laurance while the doctor was taking him away, but I kept fighting back.

I burst into tears all over again and collapsed to the floor crying. The doctor took Laurance to my place and treated him as best he could. The hospital was too far to get to in time, but my house was just up the nearby hill. The people took me home as well to get some rest. I had a hard time sleeping, but I was eventually able to get a little rest.

I woke up the next morning and found out that Laurance was put in the guest bedroom downstairs in the basement area to rest. He was out for quite some time, and it worried me.

*Time skip*

Hours later the doctor came up to me with news. "He is stable now. He is asking for you." "Huh?" She continued, "When he woke up, he grabbed my hand, but let go when he realized it wasn't your hand specifically. He also kept mumbling your name over and over while he was unconscious. You should go see him. I'm sure he might be able to tell you what's wrong." "Thank you so much doctor." I replied.

Slowly, I walked down the stairs and into the room he was in, because I didn't want to startle him. He just lay there calmly, which calmed me down a bit. I noticed that since the previous night, ever since I saw him again, his clothes were dirty and tattered. It worried me all over again, and even scared me a bit. I stood next to the bed and gently held his hand.

A small smirk appeared on his face, causing me to also smile a little bit. His eyes were shut the whole time. Why though? He said, "I'm sorry, my love. I never wanted you to see me like this. I knew this was going to happen eventually. Could you meet me back at the docks tomorrow night, so we can pick up where we left off? And yes, the doctor said it's alright, but I need to rest first."

I replied, "O – Of course, anything. Are you okay?" "I'm fine, thank you. I'll see you later." I could tell that he immediately went back to sleep, so I just quietly left.

That was awesome!😮 Wouldn't you guys agree? What's gonna happen next? Let me know.

Chapter 2 will have about five parts, so I hope you peeps are excited for it. Until next time.

Later fam!😉

Laurance Zvahl X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now