The Taste Of Citron Fruit

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I am a Muslim, without a care what
Non-muslims or other Muslims say about Islam

They may say we are programmed
Being young

But I say to you, the people of the world

Speaking, free of mind and free of heart

Young in body but with a spirit
Even freer than the giggle of children
In the so-called free countries:

How can you know the actual taste
Of Islam when you've not yet ate of it

The one who drinks milk relishes its taste

The one who ate honey can't forget its savour

The one who even drinks wine goes wild with intoxication* better and these can't even compare

O you who eats the orange peel and haven't
Entered to its fibrous sweet part to taste of it

So is he who speaks ill of Islam without entering it
To see how sweet the religion is

Thou you may even smell the fragrance of the fruit to be nice,
The peel you've taken would make you hate it
As long as you never try to go farther than the peel

O you who claims to have once been a Muslim
And left Islam for whatever reason,
You who now criticizes it, listen...

What you ate, though you may have eaten a little further,
Was an unripe fruit

The ignorant man, thinking it tangerine
Picked unripe lime and bit into it
Thus setting his teeth on edge
He swore never to eat tangerine again

The sage who ate all types of citron,
He who knows the taste of ripe from unripe,
He, the Muslim scholar or student of knowledge
Laughed at him and said

"This man has been deprived of good
For his ignorance.
Whoever Allah guides
None can misguide, so also whoever Allah misguides,
None can lead aright."



*Islam strongly prohibits the taking of wine.
It has only been used in allegorical terms here.

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