The lesson of a tranquil life - The Faqîr

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§: If you walk this path

You'll never be happy!

¶: If I don't walk this path,

I'll live with regrets all my life...

'Tis the path of sorrows...

But what is sorrow?
Is it not another name of joy
For only in my nâdir, do I have my
thoughts occupied with remembrance..
Only in my nâdir, can I mostly think
of Him...

The vicissitudes of life are innumerable..
But I've learnt the lesson of a tranquil life.

I've learnt the lesson of being faqîr.

A tranquil life consists in understanding that, just as everything is created in pairs,
So is life a union of so-and-so.

Some days are for you, others are not.

But the truth of the matter is that,

All fate is written in my favour. Nothing can ruin me except me, for God Most Merciful
has given each human his pen of destiny.
Write what you will.

Sorrow and Joy, what's their difference?

Solitude and Company, how distinct are they from each other?

Betrayal and loyalty, the bonds of friendship,
Who defines them?

If you cannot control your own human emotions,
someone would control them for you.

The lesson of tranquility? – All the twists and turns of life, all the plots and storylines, all fortunes and misfortunes —all fate is a grace,
a favour...written in my favour.

But this is only true of a believer.

The lesson of poverty? – Having nothing...
and wanting nothing. The beloved of God is he who is unattached to the world.

But only a few, would truly live this part.

My journey 's to Allah
Once I reach Him
I stand within the presence of the Holy King(Al MalikulQuddus)

In solitude and meditation, reflecting upon a myriad lessons

To polish this mirror of my heart
Perhaps, one day.. it shall shine to reflect His light.

The more polished it becomes,
The more radiantly shall it reflect the light divine

For it was said “...and bring to your Lord a pure heart!”


The Soul and the mirror
[Myriad Heart Reflections]

“A lone soul sits facing Akmalun-Nûr
Engaged in a thousand acts of purification
The radiantly he shines, the purer and clearer
his heart's mirror is...”

A plain copper mirror whirls intimately by the burning bush
Its pale light illuminates the world around it.

'Tis Divine light reflected
Once it completes the task, it turns to fade
Dying by the holy...

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