A Yearning Soul Voyages Across The Plains

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Once upon a time..

There was once a soul who fell into depravity.

Roaming the wastes of the dark world, he was one given to despair and pain.

Then one day, he saw a figure bathed in light.
He saved him.
From the dark night to the brightness of day, this soul was rescued..

How shall I repay you. The soul begged.

Meet me ..at the shores beyond the worldsea. He said.

From that moment onwards, roaming from worlds to worlds, the soul travelled..
Looking for the day, when union shall arrive.

Through trial upon trial, the soul passed through this world ..the mundane world.

Afflicted by myriad a tribulation, but unaffected..
For to him, this world was like a story,
And he, - one watching, by the sides.

The fleeting vicissitudes of life passed by him.
Many a time he fell.
But, - he always did rise up..

The world was an ephemeral flower to him,
So he failed to feel any emotion towards it.
Passing through this world like a spectre..

He failed to fall in love.
He failed to understand human emotion.
He just kept on living,
Waiting for that day,
All for that day..

In the end, he faced the odium of the world.
For he failed to comprehend their emotions and ways,

...and they failed to comprehend him..

He was lost in this world.
But he kept on going..
He kept on living..
All for that day..
The day of union.

He lived only so he could meet the day of his own death.

What is life?
What is joy?
What is eternal?
What is not?..

Joy and sorrow are all alike to me.
For none lasts long enough.

Not sorrow, so you'd feel its pangs..

..And not joy, so you'd relish its delights.

All are same...


One day he reached a valley..

"'Twas this valley the mountain sages said I would find my answers.."

In it was a path, one which was straight..

And on it were a pilgrimage of saints,

To be continued(In shaa Allah)...

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