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In a vast deep boundless abyss, I've walked
No horizon, not a sign of life around

I remembered many dreams, and some great goals,

- All set aside once I arrived here

But wait- I see a light at that far end.
I'd have said it's the light at the end of the tunnel, but no..

Where I'm is no tunnel, but a vast deep space,
- the abyss of sin and despair, the world of common men.

I've always searched for that -
Yes, it's finally in sight..

In that light, I see a boy,
He's the same as me..only a difference in aura..

His aura of light is warm and friendly.
Dressed in white with a staff, - like the prophets of old.

He's no prophet, but he does their work, calling people unto the Beloved.

He smiles at me, stretching forth his hand,
Out into the darkness and chaos, for me to reach

Exposed to such warmth, all my sorrow is gone.

He's me, but that aura makes us distinct,
The same soul, at two different points of a road..

As I sigh in ecstasy, I know where I've finally reached
'Tis my journey's destination
My yearn across eternal time!

I understand the mystery now..
'Tis my Beloved,
I'm in His presence!

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