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The NIGHT...

Some say the night is the time for all bad things to come out - demons, witches, armed robbers, murderers, and all sorts of people with dark hearts..

But, - is that all there is to the night?

Isn't it also a time for lovers to come out and recite sweet words to their beloved?

Isn't it the time when the recitation of the Holy Qur'an most witnessed?

Well so? - Does the night belong to the demons or to the lovers?

My guess is - ...

The Lovers' tale
There lived two lovers, a young man and woman.

They loved each other so strongly that people could not tolerate..

They called their love lewdness and lust and all names bad and strove to keep them always apart, - so comes the saying that, fate seems to strive to keep the lover and his beloved apart.

During the day, they both spent away from each other - in sorrow and depression,

And at night when everyone went to sleep and the demons walked the land, the lovers would sigh and grieve and recite to their hearts, -

Perhaps it might convey the feeling of love to the beloved, with longing..

Time passed on - hours turned into days, days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months..

Thus the cycle of unending time, years passed and age kept growing, till they could bear it no longer.

If during the day, people would keep them apart, they would then venture the night

- the time of demons, and fulfil the heart's thirst.


One night, when everyone was asleep and the demons took to the land in their tenebrous adventures, the lovers crept out of their cages and walked into the night.

One would ask - Weren't they afraid of the demons like everyone else was..

True, - but their love was consuming them as fire consumes the forest in dry wind.

They hid under the shadows and met in ecstasy.

They hugged and kissed and recited words of love, and consumed the hearts' yearning.

Reunion at night became their way, till the demons got to know of them..

Yet, - instead of harming them due to break of the order of man and jinn, they admired their love and propagated it.

So one would ask: did the demons then also find love and become lovers?

Well, one cannot know for sure..

For all you know, it may be that the lovers rather became demons!

Yet at night, it is the time for true worshippers to rise,
To be true to one's Beloved (Allah)

Wake up against sleep - so sweet,
Strong is the dose of love for Allah.

Recite the verses in isolation,
So that only He hears one's fears and one's tears.

Stand at the door of the Majestic King at night,

Till dawn with tears in the heart, speak in ecstasy to the Only One who knows your inner fears and your heart's secrets,

And speak of your love for Allah.

Then at day, when separation is due,
Keep note of the doors and stay nearby when they're closed,
So you can recite to Him till dusk and beyond.

For both night and day belong to Allah,
And Love is His attribute,

The humans and jinn, His creation and the Lovers, a manifestation.

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