A Fall In The Deep Vast Ocean

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Do I even remember who I am?
The last thing I can see is myself - falling
I can't even see my body again
Yet I feel the weight of the waves
And the current, heavy upon my lean soul.

Yet my heart keeps pounding,
I don't feel fear!
The heart's rhythm is steady -
Like a lullaby, at one with all of nature!
The deeper I go, the more I understand.

As the last glimmer of light fades in the distance,
My last glow of hope leaves with it
Maybe I feel I've fallen so deep I can't be saved
Maybe I think where I am You can't even sense me
Much more hear my voice when I call..

But Yunus alayhis salaam was even deeper still
But You heard him -
I don't fear, though I may have lost all hope -
Why -
I still have what You strove to teach me in my childhood years

It is indeed the opposite of fear
No matter how deep I fall
I still hear the very word You used once -
To put my heart's rhythm steady
You said "For as long as the heavens and earth endures..."

I believe You, You do not lie
My hope is yet restored once again
As I remember the foundation words of the heart!

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