[1.00] prologue

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[warning: this chapter contains a sexual assault that may be triggering. if you don't want to read this, there will be a quick summary of the prologue at the end. stay safe.]


LYDIA ROWE WAS THE IT-GIRL of Edgewood High School. She was the captain of the varsity girls' soccer team, even as a junior; she had a group of close friends around her all the time; she had a picture-perfect relationship with the captain of the varsity boys' basketball team. She was liked by nearly every student at Edgewood, and those who didn't love her grudgingly admitted that she was a sweet girl.

Her junior year started out like a dream.

Then it turned into a nightmare.


"FIVE TO THREE, BITCHES!" Rachel Crawford shouted, triggering a round of cheers from her teammates.

The party to celebrate the varsity girls' soccer team's victory at the state championship was in full swing, loud party music flowing through Samantha Morris's house as students from Edgewood danced and acted like the rowdy teenagers they were. Lydia had scored three out of the five goals and she was flying high on the feeling of winning state for her school. Her teammates and closest friends surrounded her, drinks in their hands.

Lydia herself was starting to feel tipsy. Usually she didn't like to drink at parties, but she figured she would make an exception for tonight. She would be staying with Samantha that night, so she wouldn't have to sneak back into her house drunk off her ass and risk her mothers catching her. She figured she deserved a night of letting loose and having fun.

As she listened to Heather Walters tell their friends a story of some guy she hooked up with a few days ago, Lydia felt an arm slip around her waist. She grinned when she saw who it was. "Justin," she said, going up on the tips of her toes to kiss his cheek. "You made it!"

"Couldn't miss the party celebrating my girl's big win, could I?" he asked. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips, deepening it briefly before pulling away. He handed her one of the two cups he was holding. "Here, I got you a refill."

Lydia took it with a grin. "Thanks, babe," she said, taking a sip of the drink. It tasted fruity. "What flavor is this?"

"Strawberry," Justin answered. "Your favorite."

Lydia smiled up at him, completely enamored by her boyfriend. Maybe it was the alcohol coursing through her system; maybe it was the giddiness of being in love. Maybe it was a mixture of both. "You're the best, Justin," she said, pecking his lips before taking another sip. "I love you."

"Love you, too, babe," he replied, his smile like that of a movie star's.

"Lydia, let's go dance!" Rachel exclaimed, grabbing her best friend's hand. "This is my favorite song!"

Lydia was pretty sure Rachel had said that about two other songs earlier in the night, but she didn't protest as Rachel pulled her toward the crowd of students dancing. She took a long sip of her drink first, knowing that dancing would be a lot easier if she lowered her inhibitions.

The two girls danced to the song, soon joined by the rest of their friend group. After a few songs, Justin and a few other guys came to dance with them. Lydia grinned up at her boyfriend, moving her body to the rhythm of the music.

She was really starting to feel the alcohol when Justin leaned down and whispered in her ear, "I want to show you something."

Lydia giggled, letting Justin take her hand and lead her up the staircase. She stumbled a little on their way up, leaning heavily on Justin to stay upright. In the back of her mind, she knew the alcohol was affecting her a lot quicker and stronger than it usually did, but in her intoxicated state, she couldn't find it in her to be too concerned. Tonight was her night, and she wanted to enjoy it.

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