[2.18] explanations

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LYDIA MADE PLANS TO COME BY THE RESERVATION later that weekend without Gwen so Sam could explain what had happened with Leah. But until then, she had to face the music and finally talk to Alice and Edward.

As soon as she got out of her car, she bit the bullet and walked over to Alice, Edward, and Bella as they stood in front of Edward's Volvo. "Hey," she said quietly, not quite sure how to start the conversation. Alice had become a stranger to her in the months she'd been gone, and she and Edward were never particularly close in the first place. 

Rather than replying verbally, the tiny spiky-haired vampire pulled Lydia into a tight hug. Had Lydia still been human, she was sure it would have hurt. "I'm so glad you're alive, Lydia," she whispered. 

Lydia pulled away, staring at the vampire in confusion. She understood after a second. "You saw me die, didn't you?" 

Alice nodded. "I had a vision months ago, then I couldn't see your future anymore. What happened to you?" 

Lydia bit her lip, looking between Alice, Edward, and Bella. "It's a long story. I'd rather not have to tell it too many times." 

"You can come over after school," Alice suggested, her tone hesitant as if she was waiting for Lydia to reject the suggestion. 

Instead, Lydia nodded in agreement. "Okay." After a moment, she asked. "Is... Is everyone back?" 

"Jasper's still gone," Edward said quietly. She knew he couldn't read her mind anymore, but she doubted it was hard to guess what she'd been thinking in that moment. 

"When I told Jasper about my vision, he and Rosalie went to your house, but... they were too late," Alice murmured. There was a look of pure grief on her flawless face. 

Lydia bit the inside of her cheek, unable to imagine what that must have been like for him. "He knows I'm alive now, though, right?" 

"When he found out you died, he went to Canada and cut contact with us. None of us have heard from him since," Edward told her. 

"He must have gotten rid of his phone, and none of us know where he is or how to get ahold of him. I've been trying to look into his future, but he's good at making last-second decisions. It's hard to get a clear picture of him," Alice said. 

Lydia blinked, her throat tightening at the thought of Jasper somewhere out there, thinking Lydia was gone forever. "He still thinks I'm dead? Jesus." 

"We all thought you were," Alice murmured. "I didn't find out you were alive until Bella told me." 

"I'll explain everything after school," Lydia said quietly. "Promise." 


The school-day ended fairly quickly, though that may have been Lydia's dread talking. Before she knew it, she was getting into her car and following Edward's Volvo to the Cullen house. She'd never driven herself to the Cullen house—even after she got a car over the summer, Jasper still insisted on driving whenever they were together. But the path to the house was familiar, like it was etched into her memory permanently. 

Just like the family it led to.

Lydia slowly got out of her car, watching Edward and Bella walk into the house ahead of her and Alice. Alice waited on the porch as Lydia walked toward the house. 

Before they could walk into the house, Alice gently took Lydia's hand, squeezing it. Her hand wasn't as cold as Lydia remembered vampire skin to be. "I'm really glad you're alive, Lydia," she murmured. She frowned, looking down at their joined hands. "I can feel your body heat. Usually we can't." 

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