[1.01] a fresh start

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FORKS, WASHINGTON WAS GLOOMIER than Edgewood, but Lydia didn't really mind. She supposed the weather was fitting, given the circumstances that brought her and her family to the small, rainy town.

She set down her last box, glad to be done lugging her things up the stairs. She could hear her mothers downstairs, already beginning to unpack in the kitchen and living room. Lydia looked around her room, taking in the layout. Right now, the only things in her room, aside from the boxes, was a queen-sized bed, a bookshelf, a dresser, a desk and chair, and a nightstand to the left of the bed. The furniture was all white, which matched well with the blush pink walls. Her bed was against the wall opposite to the bedroom door and the bathroom door. There was a large window on the wall to the left of her bed, looking out into the forest behind their backyard. It was a beautiful view, especially with the raindrops streaking down the glass.

Lydia unpacked her bedding first, going to work on making her bed. When that was finished, she turned to the box full of desk supplies. She worked on unpacking for a while, turning on some soft music to hum along to.

Lydia was nearly finished unpacking when Tracy called her downstairs for dinner. She stood up and walked down the staircase, joining her two mothers in the kitchen. There were two boxes of pizza on the table—one cheese and one meat lovers. Lydia grinned, taking a plate and grabbing two slices of cheese.

The family of three sat down and ate together, making light conversation.

"How do you like Forks so far?" Johanna asked.

"It's rainier than back home, but I think I'll get used to that," Lydia replied honestly. "I like it here so far. It feels cozy."

Tracy smiled. "Good."

Lydia returned her smile, feeling an immense sense of gratefulness as she looked at her mothers. They'd picked up their entire lives to move to a new town just so Lydia could start fresh after what had happened to her. She was incredibly lucky to have them.

When they were all finished eating, Lydia volunteered to do the dishes. She hummed to herself as she quickly got it done, returning to her unpacking when she was through.

She was finished unpacking everything by eight-thirty. She dropped down onto her bed, the day's events catching up with her. With a half-hearted groan, she sat back up and went to her attached bathroom, grabbing a towel out of her cupboard.

After a long shower, Lydia set about getting ready for bed. She knew it was fairly early for her, but she was exhausted from moving. When she was ready to go to bed, she told her parents goodnight and laid down, praying no nightmares would find her that night.


Lydia woke to Johanna shaking her lightly. Lydia let out a soft groan, opening her eyes with a little bit of effort and looking up at her mom.

"Morning, honey," Johanna said softly. "It's nine, but we're going to go have breakfast with Mama's friend and his family, so you need to get ready. We're leaving at nine forty-five."

"Okay," Lydia murmured, her voice still raspy from sleep. She sat up as her mother left the bedroom, closing the door behind her. Rubbing her face to try to wake herself up a little, she thought about what she should wear. A quick glance out of the window showed that it was cloudy, which she suspected was a near-constant, but there was no rain.

Lydia grabbed her phone and checked the weather forecast. Throwing back her covers, she got out of bed. She winced at the coldness of her hardwood floors. She went to her closet, picking out a suitable outfit for the temperature outside and the occasion. She liked to make good first impressions, and even though she was pretty sure she'd already met Tracy's friend before, she still wanted to dress nicely.

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