[3.02] another party

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IN THE MONTHS SINCE the Cullens returned from their temporary move out of Forks—there were quite a few rumors in the small town's high school as to what that was all about, and most of them were ridiculous and a little hilarious—Lydia and Gwen had somehow gotten integrated into Bella's human friend group. 

Calling Jessica, Angela, Eric, and Mike their friends was a bit of a stretch, but Angela was enough of a sweetheart to win Lydia and Gwen over, even if Jessica and Mike were a little... much and Eric was a bit more chaotic than Lydia was used to. 

Lydia dropped down into her usual spot on the bench across from Angela, Gwen sliding into the seat next to her. She stole a fry off of Gwen's tray, which earned her a playful glare and Gwen stealing her fruit cup.

Apparently Mike and Eric were trying to help Jessica with her valedictorian speech, but the suggestions Lydia heard didn't sound at all helpful. 

Not long after Lydia and Gwen arrived, Alice slid into the seat next to Lydia, a bright smile on her face. "I've decided to throw a graduation party," she announced, immediately gaining the attention of the rest of the table.

Lydia raised an eyebrow at Alice, remembering clearly what happened the last time Alice decided to throw a party. She seemed to remember it not ending too well for any of the people involved.

"A party? At your place?" Angela asked, looking just a little starstruck.

Jessica stared at Alice with a look of shock. "I've never seen your house."

Eric leaned toward her, barely whispering as he said, "No one's ever seen their house."

"Another party, Alice?" Edward asked, raising an eyebrow at his sister.

"Is that really a good idea?" Lydia added in, giving the girl a pointed look.

"It'll be fun," Alice insisted with all the confidence of a seasoned psychic.

Bella raised an eyebrow at her. "That's what you said last time."

Before Alice could retort back, her eyes grew distant. She leaned back in her seat, no doubt immersed in an unexpected vision of the future. Quickly, Bella diverted the attention away from Alice, offering to help Angela with the graduation invitations.

Lydia frowned, watching Alice's brow pinch together with worry. She made eye contact with Edward, who also looked concerned. When Bella looked at Edward, Lydia saw him give her what was clearly a forced smile of reassurance.

Lydia looked at Alice, who gave her a look that said she'd explain later, so Lydia nodded just enough to let Alice knew she understood.

When the bell rang, they all parted ways to go to their respective fifth period classes. Lydia and Gwen walked together, making small talk as they headed to their classroom. 

"Make sure your boyfriend and his family know I'm stealing you after school so you can help me pick out something to wear on my date with Leah," Gwen reminded her.

Lydia laughed quietly, looking at her best friend. "Why do I feel like a child of divorce with you and Jasper?"

Gwen shrugged. "Who knows? Just make sure he remembers the custody agreement," she teased, making Lydia roll her eyes.

"Are you still touring UW?" Lydia asked her as they sat down in the classroom.

Gwen nodded, a small smile on her face. "I'm going up there next weekend, day after the Quileute council meeting. My aunt lives up there, so I'm spending the night with her and going on a tour Sunday afternoon. She went to UW, so she's really gunning for me to go there."

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