[1.13] happy

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LYDIA AND JASPER SPENT most of the day in the field. After a picnic that Esme helped Jasper set up, they started talking about anything that came to their minds. Jasper was easy to talk to, and he had quite a few stories to share from his life before and after his transformation.

Lydia couldn't remember the last time she'd had this kind of day with someone—Justin had never been eager to talk about anything, really, and her old friends preferred to go out and do things rather than sit around talking. It was nice.

Jasper told her stories about his family, both biological and adoptive. He had grown up an only child, and up until the war began, he and his parents were fairly close. When Jasper decided to enlist in the Union army rather than the Confederate army like his father would have liked, his parents all but disowned him. Lydia had always learned about how the war had torn families apart, pitting family against family, but hearing Jasper's story made it all seem so real. 

Lydia told him about funny moments with her mothers, Jasper told her stories about the other Cullens. She told him what she remembered of her father and he told her what he remembered of his own family. They stayed in the meadow until it was nearly dark, though Lydia didn't feel any fear. She was with the most dangerous predator in the forest—she knew she didn't have anything to be afraid of.

Eventually, Jasper deemed it too late to keep her out. He stood up swiftly, as graceful as ever. He helped Lydia to her feet, running them back to his motorcycle so he could drive her home. When they pulled into Lydia's driveway, Lydia was hesitant to end their day together. Though she knew it wasn't a date, she couldn't help but wish it was.

Jasper—always a gentleman—walked her to her front door.

"I had a really good time today," Lydia told him. "We should do it again sometime."

Jasper gave her a dazzling smile. "I'd like nothing more."

Feeling a burst of bravery, Lydia stood on the tips of her toes and pressed a chaste kiss to Jasper's cheek. Before her cheeks could heat up and betray her, she turned toward her front door. "Good night, Jasper."

"Good night, Lydia," Jasper said softly.

When Lydia was inside, she practically melted against the door. "Lydia?" she heard Johanna call from the kitchen. "That you?"

"Yeah," Lydia called, following their voices into the living room.

"How was it?" Tracy asked, clearly eager to hear all of the details of her day with Jasper.

Lydia couldn't suppress her grin as she dropped down in between her mothers on the couch. "It was amazing," she gushed.

Johanna's expression was fond as she said, "I'm glad, honey. You seem really happy."

Lydia's smile widened. "I am," she said softly. "I'm so happy. I haven't been this happy since..." She paused, shaking her head. "I didn't think I could feel like this again so soon." A look of worry came across her face. "What if I'm rushing into things? What if I fall too hard too fast and Jasper doesn't feel the same way?"

"Honey, I saw how he looked at you when he came to pick you up," Johanna said. "I think he likes you just as much as you like him. Maybe even more."

Lydia's cheeks flushed as she smiled again. She knew that if she and Jasper did start a relationship, it would without a doubt be the most complicated one Lydia had ever been in. He was a vampire and she was human—it was a recipe for disaster, but despite everything that could go wrong, she couldn't help but want him.

Besides, a little disaster was exciting.

"I'm going to call Gwen," Lydia said, standing up from the couch. "But first—did you save me any dinner?"

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