[2.15] first beach (rewritten)

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[rewritten: june 27, 2020]

FIRST BEACH IN LA PUSH WAS JUST AS DREARY AS FORKS, but Lydia didn't mind. She hadn't come to the beach expecting clear, sunny skies and an opportunity to sunbathe, so she wasn't disappointed as Gwen pulled into a tiny parking lot overlooking the beach.

"It's not California, but it's a beach," Gwen said, shutting off her car.

The girls got out of the car. Gwen zipped up her jacket, though Lydia left her own in the car. It was about fifty-five degrees—fairly nice for mid-March Washington, especially around Forks.

"Spring break, baby!" Lydia exclaimed, grabbing the picnic basket from Gwen's backseat.

"Spring break, baby," Gwen confirmed with a grin. She took Lydia's arm, walking them over to a spot not far from the ocean, but not close enough for the sand to be freezing and wet. "Just think, in three months, we're going to be out of high school."

Lydia groaned, helping her friend set up the picnic blanket they'd brought. "Don't remind me," she moaned. "I'm not ready to grow up."

Not that I'll even get the chance, really.

Before her negative thoughts could dampen her mood, she shook her head clear of them.

"I still can't believe you're making me live with some random girl next year," Gwen said, her pout entirely faked.

"If she gives you problems, I'll end her," Lydia said, only half-serious. If Gwen's roommate really did turn out to be terrible, Lydia had no reservations about putting the hypothetical roommate in her place. But she wouldn't resort to violence—unless she absolutely had to.

Gwen giggled, sitting down on the blanket now that it was all laid out. "It'll be weird not seeing you and my family all the time," she said quietly, taking the wraps she'd prepared and handing one to Lydia, who grinned. Lydia couldn't cook for the life of her, but she was lucky enough to have two mothers and a best friend could give restaurant chefs a run for their money.

"I'll visit so often you'll get sick of me," Lydia promised, earning a grateful smile from Gwen. "And just think—you're probably going to end up falling in love with some beautiful arts major or something."

Gwen laughed, shaking her head. "Why an arts major?"

Lydia shrugged. "First thing that came to mind," she admitted. As she took a bite of her wrap, she stared at Gwen with a critical eye. "It'll be an artsy type or an athlete. One or the other."

"Abs are incredibly hot on ladies," Gwen pointed out.

Lydia hummed in agreement. "They are."

"So, any plans for your gap year?" Gwen asked as they both looked out at the sea.

Lydia shook her head slightly. "Nothing concrete," she said. "Adam travels a lot—he said if I wanted to, he'd be happy to have the company."

"Where would you go?" Gwen asked curiously.

"I don't know," Lydia said. "I kind of want to go to Europe. Or Asia, that'd be cool."

"I want to study abroad in Asia," Gwen told her. "I'd be a fish out of water, but that's kind of the appeal. I've only ever been out of Washington once, and that was just to drive to a funeral in Idaho, so I'd like to see the world if I get the chance."

Lydia bumped Gwen's shoulder with her own. "Maybe we can go together."

Gwen grinned. "I'd like that."

There was so much Lydia wanted to do with Gwen while she had the chance. Visit foreign countries together, watch Gwen walk down the aisle at her wedding, meet any children Gwen might have. She planned on being in Gwen's life until it was over. After that...

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