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LYDIA SMILED AT THE SIGHT of the field of flowers before them. As she walked hand-in-hand with Jasper through the tall grass and wildflowers, she realized that it was around this time last year that he'd first brought here there, before they'd even started dating. She smiled at the fond memory, remembering how happy she'd felt at the time.

She was happy then and she realized she was even happier now.

"I missed this place," Lydia whispered.

Jasper smiled softly at her. "Me too."

She pulled Jasper further into the field, sitting down and pulling him gently down beside her. "Before we go any further, you should know something," she said.

With a slight, concerned frown, Jasper asked, "What is it?"

"Do you know about how shape-shifters... imprint?"

Jasper's frown deepened. "Vaguely," he said after a moment of hesitation.

"Well..." Lydia chewed on the inside of her cheek, before she bit the bullet. "Embry, he imprinted on me," she told him. "And before you make any assumptions, it isn't romantic. He's like my brother, and he feels the same way. There's not hidden feelings or anything like that."

Jasper was quiet for a moment, taking the information in and simply looking at her. She studied his expression to gauge his reaction. To her relief, he didn't look upset or angry—though, if he had been upset, it wouldn't exactly be fair to her. It wasn't as if it was her decision for him to disappear for seven months and for Embry to imprint on her in the meantime.

Luckily for them both, the only thing she saw was confusion, and maybe a hint of sadness, but she tried not to dwell on that.

"I suppose that means you'll be spending time in La Push?" he asked softly.

"Probably as much as I'll be spending with you," she murmured. "Hopefully."

At this, he cracked a small smile. "I'll have to get used to the smell, then."

Lydia rolled her eyes, a smile of her own growing on her face. "Yeah, you will."

With the weight of the imprinting news now off her shoulders, Lydia leaned back on her hands, letting the familiar sounds and smells of the field flood her senses. Returning to the field with her enhanced senses was a nice, albeit strange, thing. She understood a bit better how Jasper saw it—full of tranquil noises, lovely smells, and, at the moment, pleasant company.

"It's been... interesting year, hasn't it?" she said after a few minutes of silence.

Jasper grimaced slightly. "Interesting is one way to put it," he murmured. "Lydia, I need you to know—"

Lydia sat up straight, reaching for his hand. "I know," she said softly. "I already forgave you, Jasper. It's over—the separation, the heartache, the grief. Don't dwell on it when we can spend our time being better together."

Jasper stared at her for a moment, his eyes full of something that looked like awe. "You're a saint, Lydia Rowe," he murmured.

She laughed softly. "That's a bit excessive, but I'll take it."

Jasper's smile put the sun and stars to shame. After a moment of just that beautiful smile, he sat up a bit straighter. "I got you something, " he said.

Lydia raised an eyebrow. "You did?"

Jasper pulled a small, rectangular box out of his pocket. "I wanted to give it to you on your birthday, but..." He trailed off, then placed the box in hand. "Better late than never, I suppose."

The Rise of Lydia Rowe ↠ Jasper Hale (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now