[2.01] the calm

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LYDIA WOKE TO THE FEELING of someone playing with her hair. She opened her eyes slowly, her gaze locking with Jasper's as he smiled softly down at her. "Good morning," he murmured. 

Lydia hummed, enjoying the feeling of her head against Jasper's chest. "What time is it?" she mumbled.

Jasper's fingers continued to thread through her hair, the sensation like heaven. "Nine forty-seven," he answered. "Do you still want to go to Port Angeles?" 

Lydia nodded against his chest. "I have to get Bella's present," she murmured. She sat up slowly, stifling a yawn with her hand. Jasper smiled as he watched her slowly wake herself up. He leaned forward to kiss her, but Lydia intercepted him with her hand, pushing his face away. "Kiss me after I brush my teeth." 

"I plan to," Jasper said, settling for a kiss on her forehead. "I'll let you get ready and run back to my house for my bike. I'll be back in forty, is that okay?" 

"That's perfect," she murmured. "Love you." 

"I love you, too," he whispered, kissing her temple before disappearing in a blur out of her open window. 

Lydia stretched as she got out of bed, walking to her closet and getting out some clothes suitable for a morning of shopping in Port Angeles. After a quick shower and her usual morning routine, she came down the stairs, greeting her mothers in the kitchen. "Morning." 

"Morning, sweetie," Tracy said, sipping from her coffee mug. "Plans today?" 

"Jasper and I are going to Port Angeles so I can get Bella's gift," Lydia told her, grabbing a loaf of bread out of the pantry and putting two slices in the toaster. 

"Cutting it close, aren't you?" Johanna teased from the island. "Her birthday's tomorrow, isn't it?" 

"I already know what I'm getting her," Lydia said, waiting a little impatiently for her toast to pop back up. 

"Speaking of birthdays," Tracy said, "any ideas what you want to do for yours? It's coming up, and it's the big one eight, y'know. We have to do something special." 

Lydia's toast popped up and she grabbed it, wincing at the heat as she grabbed the butter out of the fridge. "It's not until January, Mama," Lydia said. "Cutting it a little far, aren't we?" 

Tracy rolled her eyes. "Still, it's a milestone, we should do something special. Any ideas?"

"I don't know yet," Lydia said, taking a bite of her toast and chewing it as she thought. "But I do know I want to get a lottery ticket that day." 

"Because you can?" Johanna asked, a knowing smile on her face. 

"Yeah," Lydia said. "Oh, maybe I'll buy a lighter and some candles." 

"You have to be eighteen to buy a lighter?" Tracy asked. 

"Yeah, I tried to buy one a few weeks ago and they said they couldn't sell it to me," Lydia replied. "I was buying a candle, but maybe they thought I was trying to commit arson that afternoon. Jasper had to get it for me." 

Lydia poured herself a glass of orange juice before joining Tracy at the table, Johanna joining them as well. "How is Jasper?" Johanna asked. 

An involuntary smile came across Lydia's face, which both of her mothers smirked at. "He's good," she said softly. 

Johanna nodded. "And how are the two of you? He isn't pressuring you into doing anything you don't want to do?" 

"Of course not, Mom," Lydia said as her cheeks heated up slightly. "Jasper's a gentleman, he would never." 

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