[1.19] in the sunlight

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LYDIA AND GWEN LOUNGED ON GWEN'S COUCH, an episode of Criminal Minds playing on the TV. Gwen nudged Lydia's leg with her foot, getting her attention. "Hey, where was your boyfriend and his family today? Another camping trip?" 

Lydia glanced out of Gwen's open window, where the uncommon Forks sunshine was casting a warm spotlight on the Holloway family cat, Gizmo, lounging on an arm chair. It had been sunny since that morning, but of course, Alice had seen it coming, so Lydia had known they'd miss school that day. She still didn't know what happened when they were out in the sun—she'd have to ask Jasper sometime. 

"Yeah," Lydia said, since that was the excuse the Cullen family used whenever they skipped on a sunny day. 

"I'm surprised they all do that," Gwen said. "They must be close. I love my family, but I could not go camping with them more than once a year. Rory is the worst when he doesn't have access to video games, and I always end up getting sunburned." 

"Can't relate," Lydia said with a grin. "I only tan." 

"Oh, go to hell," Gwen said, rolling her eyes with a smile. 

"You know, now that I think about it, I've never actually been camping," Lydia said. "I've gone hiking a few times with my old soccer team, but never camping." 

"Maybe you could go with your boyfriend next time." Gwen gave Lydia a suggestive look. "Might be fun." 

Lydia laughed, rolling her eyes. "Ha-ha, very funny. Get that look off of your face." 

"I'm just teasing," Gwen assured her with a laugh. "How are you and lover boy anyway?" 

An involuntary smile came over Lydia's face. "We're good. Really good."

Gwen made a face, though Lydia could see she was making an effort not to smile. "It's disgusting how in love you two are." 

Lydia grabbed one of the discarded throw pillows from the ground and threw it at her. "You asked!" 

Gwen broke, laughing as she hugged the pillow to her chest. She sobered up after a moment, a smile still on her lips. "I'm really happy for you, Lydia," she said. "You deserve this." 

"So do you," Lydia said softly. "Got any crushes I should hear about?" 

Shaking her head, Gwen said, "There are approximately zero lesbians or bisexuals at our school, and I am not about to fall in love with a straight girl and get my heart broken." 

"Oh, come on, you don't know that," Lydia said. "There might be one or two out there. Maybe there's a beautiful girl waiting in the wings to sweep you off of your feet." 

"Doubtful," Gwen mumbled, but there was a slight flush on her cheeks. 

Lydia sat up, scrutinizing her best friend for a moment. "What's that little blush about, Guinevere?" 

Gwen snorted. "That is not my name."

Lydia rolled her eyes. "Seriously, you're blushing. Who is it?" 

Gwen opened her mouth, seeming to search for words. "I... Okay, maybe I have a teeny, tiny crush on someone, but I'm almost ninety-nine percent sure she's straight, and I think we've spoken a total of ten words to each other the entire time we've known each other, so there's nothing even there."

"Who?" Lydia asked excitedly. "Do I know her?" 

"Oh, yeah," Gwen murmured. 

"Who?" Lydia repeated. "Is it Rosalie? Because I can't say I blame you, but she does have a boyfriend, so that's—"

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