[2.05] moving on

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IT HAD BEEN OVER THREE MONTHS since the Cullens moved away, and Lydia's life was finally regaining some sense of normalcy. 

After a pleasant winter break spent with her mothers and Gwen's family, Lydia returned to school in the new year with a vow to enjoy the rest of the senior year with her best friend. She'd spent the better part of the last three months mourning the loss of the love of her life and trying to rebuild herself and her life in the wake of his absence, and now that she could finally think about him without bursting into tears or aching inside, she was determined to spend what was left of her last year in high school living life to the fullest and enjoying every second of it. 

She made her way to her locker, passing Bella in the hallway. She offered the girl a smile, hoping the two weeks away from school had given the girl the time she needed to heal from the Cullens' disappearance, but Lydia was sad to see that Bella didn't even acknowledge her—still lost in her catatonic state of mind, walking through the halls like a zombie with her hood obscuring most of her face. 

Lydia reached her locker and tried to ignore the unwelcome guilt she felt well up every time she saw Bella. 

"Two weeks until the big one-eight," Gwen sing-songed, leaning against the locker next to Lydia's. Lydia smiled, her best friend already managing to lift her spirits. "How are we celebrating?" 

"My moms are taking us to get our nails done in Port Angeles and then we're going to that fondue restaurant that opened up a few months ago," Lydia told her, grabbing her chemistry textbook before shutting her locker. "Then we're going back to the house and finishing the night off with face masks and movies."  

Gwen grinned as the two set off for their next class, which they thankfully shared. "I can't wait. Are we finally gonna watch Pride & Prejudice?"

"Oh, please, that is the first movie on my list," Lydia promised. "It better be as good as you keep saying." 

"It'll be even better," Gwen told her. "Mr. Darcy is the only man I would ever consider myself attracted to, and there's also Elizabeth Bennett, and Jesus the actress is so pretty. You're going to love it." 

Lydia laughed softly as they sat down at their desks, getting out their things for English. Lydia glanced back briefly, seeing Bella sitting in her usual seat as she stared straight ahead, likely lost in her own thoughts. The desk next to hers was empty, and had been for the last three months. Talk of the Cullens had been reduced to the occasional whisper, though Bella was still as catatonic as she had been since they left. Lydia wished there was something she could do to help Bella, but she didn't know what to do. 

Noticing who Lydia was looking at, Gwen leaned closer and whispered, "Do you know how she's doing?" 

Lydia shook her head, turning back to face the front of the classroom. "I wish I could help her, but I don't know if there's anything I can do," she murmured. "I feel awful." 

"It isn't your fault the Cullens up and disappeared," Gwen said, an uncharacteristic hint of anger in her voice. "They're the assholes, not you." 

Lydia raised an eyebrow at Gwen, surprised by her sudden anger toward the family. "Where'd that come from?" she asked. "Not that I entirely disagree, but still." 

"Jasper broke my best friend's heart," Gwen said softly. "The rest are guilty by association." 

Lydia smiled softly. "You're a good friend, Gwen," she murmured. 

"I know," Gwen replied with a wink. 


As Lydia sat down in her bedroom later that week to knock out some homework, her phone buzzed next to her. Figuring it was Gwen, she went to check it, surprised to see the name Bella on her screen, followed by a text. 

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