[2.17] how the tables have turned

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SPRING BREAK CONTINUED WITHOUT FANFARE. Lydia spent time with her mothers, trying to ignore the ache Adam's departure had left her with. She continued practicing creating and manipulating fire, just in case Victoria came calling and the pack wasn't around to kill her themselves. 

She went over to Emily's a few times over spring break, wanting to get to know the only other semi-immortal creatures in the area in the wake of her uncle leaving. Hanging out with the pack, especially Embry, made it easier to ignore the pain she felt due to how Adam left things with her and her family. There was a quality about the shape-shifter that reminded Lydia a little of Gwen, in that he managed to lift her spirits just by talking about random things and making her laugh. She learned from him about Bella finding out about the shape-shifters after slapping Paul in the face, a sight which according to Embry was equal parts horrifying and hilarious. 

She and Gwen hung out a lot as well, with Gwen doing a good job of taking Lydia's mind off of Adam leaving and the prospect of living forever and watching the people she loved age and die before her eyes. It was a heavy job, Lydia knew, but if anyone was up to the cause, it was Gwen. Lydia didn't know just what she'd done to deserve her best friend, but she thanked the universe everyday for putting them into each other's lives.

When spring break ended, Lydia was honestly a little grateful. Her teachers jumped straight back into their lessons, beginning the rapid descent into finals week and graduation in June, so she didn't have much free time to dwell on Adam and her own scarily-infinite future. 

As soon as Lydia got into her car after the first day back, her phone vibrated in her backpack. She got it out quickly, checking the caller I.D. before answering it. "Embry, what's up?" 

"Hey, you haven't happened to talk to Bella recently, have you?" Embry asked immediately. 

Lydia frowned. She'd noticed Bella's absence at school, but she hadn't thought much of it. Now she was a little worried. "No, why?" 

"Jake said she flew to Italy with one of the Cullens, the short one," Embry said. "Apparently Bella's ex is in trouble or something and they went to stop him from doing something stupid." 

The short one. Alice? 

"She went to Italy?" Lydia asked in shock. 

"Yeah," Embry said. "Jake's freaking out, and things are crazy over here. It might actually be a good idea to steer clear of here, at least until things cool down. Two more people phased and joined the pack. One of them's a girl, which we didn't even know was possible." 

"Wow," Lydia said. "It does sound crazy." 

Embry agreed with a quiet, "Oh, yeah." After a moment, he said, "I'll let you know when things chill out a little—you can meet the new members once they get more a handle on their shifting. Seth's like a puppy right now, he's so excited about being a shifter. I think you'd like him." 

Lydia smiled at the thought. "Ok. I'll let you know if I hear anything about Bella." 

"Thanks, River Phoenix," Embry said, causing Lydia to roll her eyes. He'd started calling her thought after the second time she visited the pack. Apparently his favorite movie was Dogfight, so of course, he used it as the source of her new nickname. 

"Talk to you later, Em," she said before hanging up. 


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