[1.22] the room full of mirrors

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THE TWO HUMAN GIRLS managed to sneak into a taxi outside of the hotel, escaping before Alice and Jasper even noticed they were gone. Lydia felt horrible for sneaking away, but they had no choice—Bella's mom was in danger, and Lydia couldn't let someone die if there was something she could do to stop it. 

Bella gave the taxi driver the address to the ballet studio, and they were off. 

It was nighttime when they made it to the studio. The pair got out of the taxi and stood in front of the building, staring up at it as the taxi drove away. Bella reached into her pocket, pulling out a bottle of pepper spray. She shook it, seeing how much was left to use. Lydia wanted to judge, but honestly—it was better than what she had, which was nothing. 

"Are we really doing this?" Lydia whispered to Bella. 

Bella looked at Lydia. "We don't have a choice." 

Lydia nodded. "Then let's go." 

They walked toward the building. 

In the weeks following Lydia's assault, she'd wanted to die. It was something she never told anyone—not her mothers, not her therapists, not even herself, really. It was a ghost that lingered in the back of her mind, taunting her in every quiet moment. She'd felt dirty, hopeless, empty. When she thought of the idea of death, it was more of a comfort than a fear. 

Now, all she wanted was to live. To be with Jasper, to be with her mothers, to go through her life with Gwen by her side. To go to college and live her life to the fullest with the people she loved. As she followed Bella into the ballet studio, she wondered if tonight would be her last night on Earth. 

She didn't believe in God, but as she and Bella walked slowly toward what could very well be their demise, she said a silent prayer, begging whoever was listening to let her see the people she loved one last time. 

Bella led the way into the ballet studio. They stopped as they entered the main room, mirrors covering the walls—just like Alice's vision. Light from the streetlights outside cast shadows against the concrete floor. It was almost beautiful in a way. 

Bella walked further into the room, Lydia close behind. "Bella? Bella, where are you?" a woman's voice called out, prompting Bella to walk faster. 

"Mom?" Bella called out, her voice echoing in the empty room. She followed the sound of her mother's voice, still calling out her name. Lydia was quick to follow, not liking the idea of separating. 

"There you are!" came Bella's mother's voice, calmer than before. "What are you doing in there?" 

Bella and Lydia stopped in front of a closet as a little girl's voice replied. Lydia looked at Bella in confusion as the girl opened the door, only to reveal a TV playing what looked like a home movie from Bella's childhood. 

"He tricked us," Lydia breathed out. 

A sinister laugh echoed throughout the room. The two girls jumped, turning around to see James staring at them with that same predatory gaze. Lydia held back a shudder at the sight of him turning his head, the action mirrored in the dozens of mirrors lining the walls. It was like something out of a horror movie. 

"Now, that's my favorite part," James said. "You were a stubborn child, weren't you?" He advanced toward them, his attention focused mostly on Bella as he grabbed her shoulder. "Hm?" 

"She's not even here," Bella said in realization. 

James shoved Bella against the wall, making Lydia back up in fright. "Sorry," James whispered. "But you really made it too easy." 

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