[1.23] mysteries

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THE NEXT TIME LYDIA OPENED HER EYES, it was to the sight of a stark-white ceiling. She blinked against the light, having to let her eyes adjust to the brightness. As the world around her came back into focus, she realized she was in a hospital room. The incessant beeping of a machine to her right confirmed her suspicions. 

She turned her head to the left, greeted by the sight of her favorite golden-eyed vampire. He was watching her closely, as if afraid she might disappear if he looked away for just a second. 

It had already happened once. 

Lydia swallowed against the dryness in her throat. "Jasper," she whispered, her voice coming out raspy. 

Jasper silently grabbed a cup full of water from the tray next to Lydia's bed, helping her drink. She gave him a thankful smile once she was finished drinking, laying her head back down against the pillow. "Where are we?" she asked quietly. 

"A hospital in Phoenix," he answered. 

"My moms—?"

"They're here," Jasper told her. "They went to the cafeteria a few minutes ago with Bella's parents." 

"What did you tell them?" 

"We said that Bella asked you to come with her to Phoenix after a fight with Edward," he said softly. "You two were going downstairs and Bella fell, dragging you down with her." 

Lydia nodded slowly. "How much of that do you think they believed?" 

"I don't know," he murmured. "They're upset, but they're more relieved that you're alright." 

Lydia blinked up at the ceiling, sighing softly. "They're going to ground me until I'm thirty." 

"I'm sure everything will be alright," he reassured her. 

"Jasper, I left the state without telling them," Lydia told him. "I'm screwed." She shook her head lightly. "Is Bella okay?" 

Jasper nodded, which was a relief. "Her leg is broken and James bit her, but Edward managed to suck the venom out of her system before she could be turned. She'll be okay." 

Lydia sighed with relief. Taking in the tense set of her boyfriend's shoulders, she reached for his hand. "Are you okay?" 

Jasper let out a short chuckle, but it didn't sound particularly amused. "You're lying in a hospital bed and you're asking if I'm okay?" 

"Yes," Lydia said. "Are you? This is a hospital, after all..." She trailed off, knowing he understood what she meant. 

"I'm fine," he said softly. "I went hunting while your mothers were in here with you. And you make it easy to ignore my thirst." 

Lydia studied his face for a moment, searching for any sign that he wasn't telling the truth. When she found none, she gave him a small smile. "I'm glad." 

Jasper rubbed his thumb back and forth across the back of Lydia's hand. "You could have died, Lydia." 

"I know." Her voice was just above a whisper as she spoke. "But I didn't." 

He met her gaze, and a bit of her heart broke off at how anguished he looked. "I don't want to lose you, Lydia. I don't think I can. When you and Bella disappeared from the hotel, I... I didn't know what to do. I was terrified—terrified that I was never going to see you again." 

"I'm right here," she murmured. "Alive and well." 

The look Jasper gave her almost made her laugh. "You have a concussion, Lydia. You're alive, but you're most certainly not well."

The Rise of Lydia Rowe ↠ Jasper Hale (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now