ii. the complications of love

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I'm writing another story lmao I swear I'm just good at the start.


As soon as they stepped inside the quaint looking dimly lit bar and spotted that junior, Arthit knew why Prem was so adamant and eager to go here. Ofcourse. It's because of the junior, Wad. Prem and his obsession, Arthit wanted to snort.

It seemed like all of his friends had the same thought, beside him, Knot snorted and rolled his eyes.

"So this is why you almost carry us here and even begged to go faster. Honestly Prem, what did you see in Wad? I mean, he's so passive and it's obvious that he's not interested, just let it go dude"

With Knot's negative advice, one would think Prem would be offended, but no, if anything, he just smirked and took Knot's words as a challenge.

"It's because he's denying his feelings for me. He's just shy. You'll see, one day, we'll be lovey-dovey and you guys will be annoyed at how sweet we will be"

"I bet Arthit will get a lover even before you snatch that Wad" Bright commented earning a smack from Arthit.

"Don't involve me in your stupid bets" Arthit grunted which fell from deaf ears because Prem had that glint in his eyes whenever challenges are offered to him. Idiot.

"Okay, let's bet, Wad will be mine first before someone can get the virginity of our Oon"

"Hey fuck-"

"Deal" Bright and Prem shook hands with each other.

"I'm with Prem" Tutah butted in. Arthit and Bright both gave him betrayed looks but with different reasons. Arthit, who expected this would happen but still disappointed another idiot friend would join in this idiotic bet and Bright because well, Tutah and him are the closest among their circle.

"I thought you're smarter than this Tutah" Arthit

"Sorry baby Oon but you know me, I never back out to any deal"

"And here I am thinking you'd be with me" Bright sighed.

"Sorry, but Arthit is just close to being asexual and aromantic, he's not attracted to any one and everyone is afraid of him. It's just too impossible"

Now, Arthit isn't one to be involved in any stupidity but this, this is too much for him and his sadistic side needed to be satisfied, he needed to see the lost faces of his friends.

"Tutah, I'm just not looking for one right now but since you nicely thought of me being scary then I shall gladly make you realize how wrong you are" Gritting his teeth, Arthit murmured, "I'm joining in this stupid deal and I'm with Bright"

Bright cheered and gave him a pat on the head. "Yes Arthit! I can finally see our money now hahahaha" Bright attempted an evil laugh but it just made him choke making all of them laughed hard.

After a while, they all looked at Knot expectantly who was expectedly silent, on his face was a calculating look that reminded them that this would surely blow on their faces but Arthit was far from caring now, Tutah just hurt his pride.

After some seconds of staring, Knot finally spoke up, "Very well then, it's your life anyway but don't come crying at me when this bite you on the ass. I'll just be your referee"

"Great. Come Arthit, let's find you a suitable partner so we can crush these two idiots" Before Bright could pull Arthit towards the sweaty bodies of people (Arthit internally cringed), Tutah halted them.

"Wait, wait, Arthit's lover should not just be a one night stand. It should be serious, it should involve some feelings because Prem here is really serious with Wad"

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