iv. the fretting (not) boyfriend

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To celebrate the 100 reads, I'm updating again 😊🙃 (lmao I just realized what this emoji means hahahaha). Also, because I don't have anything better to do with my life.


The next day, Kongpob laid in his bed motionless. His alarm clock had rung for the past few minutes but he remained lying, his eyes looking at the the navy blue ceiling adorned with specks of white paint giving a visionary of starry night. It was past his office hours.

Mr. Khan knocked and entered, "Kong? Aren't you going to work?"

Kongpob sighed and briefly looked at his Loong before looking at the ceiling again, "I don't feel like going today. Tell them I'm sick"

"Oh but I thought you were so excited? The handsome guy is finally close to you"

"Yeah, but not to me"

Mr. Khan tilted his head. Some times, Kong's thoughts are confusing. Mr. Khan thought it's because he inherited his father's insanity.

"You are his junior-"

Kongpob sat up, "Loong, keep up! Not to me, no, to Kong, yes. But how about me? I'm an abomination for him. What if he fell in love with Kong? I can't be Kong forever Loong! My father will castrate me, not to mention, sooner than later, everyone will know that I'm a two-faced jerk. This will all blow up in my face" Kongpob slapped his forehead, "Shit. Why did I ever think of this?"

Mr. Khan sat beside him, "Kong, calm down. There's no turning back now. Okay, what if you make him fall in love with Kong then reject him then whoop Kongpob came into view saving him from his heartbreak"

"That's just heartless Loong, I can't do that to him. Plus, I want a relationship with him Loong, I don't want him to cry everytime we're on a date. Instead of kissing me, imagine him reminiscing all his memories with Kong. That's fucked up"

Mr. Khan nodded, it's a bad plan. They went silent trying to think of ways to avoid any pain. After a while, Mr. Khan smiled.

"Okay then, how about this. You get information about him through Kong and then Kongpob will use these information" Mr. Khan chuckled, "I'm going insane. Why am I acting as if you and Kong are different?"

"Because we are but Loong! You are right, I can continue this Kong disguise and then make him fall in love with me. You, my Loong, is intelligent"

"Well, where did you think you get your intelligence and your handsomeness?"

"My intelligence, yours. My handsomeness, from my por"

Mr. Khan chucked his head, "Why you ungrateful kid. I thought he's just a CEO to you"

Kongpob smirked and stood up, "Loong, prepare Kong's clothes. I'm going to work"


At the Procurement Department*, Arthit sighed for the umpteenth time as he looked at his junior's table. Kong's still not here.

Arthit clutched his bag, inside was the lunch he made for Kong. Arthit had to wake earlier than usual just to make sure Kong would have a homemade lunch today. He realized, being alone in an apartment was hard as evidenced on Kong's sandwich lunch yesterday, Arthit assumed Kong couldn't cook and just relied on instant foods.

Arthit focused on his work but several seconds, an invisible force pulled his eyes to Kong's table. He's still not there. Well, what did he expect? That Kong would magically appear there using a portkey?

"Can you stop that?! It's irritating" Knot said beside him, also stopping his work and looking at the worrying Arthit.

"What? I'm not doing anything"

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