Part Two Punishment

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  Hoseok placed a cup of coffee on a cabinet beside the bed. He beamed at a sleeping Jimin.
'Jimine!' He cooed. 'Wake up.'
'Yeah,' Jimin yawned. 'I'm awake.'
He grabbed Hoseok and pulled him onto the bed. He planted kisses on Hoseok's head.
'Ah, Jimin. Stop!' Giggled Hoseok.
'You're adorable Hobi.'
Hoseok pouted. Remembering last night.
'What's wrong, Hobi?'
'Last night, Tae came to see me.'
'What!' Jimin sat up. 'Did he hurt you?'
'No, Christian was here. We didn't let him.'
'What did he want?'
'He just said sorry.'
Jimin scoffed. 'Like that will make everything better!' If he comes back when I'm not here, don't open the door. Just call me right away.'

  Suga relaxed into the sofa. After a hard day of work, what he really needed now was a nice long nap.
Knock knock.
Suga sighed heavily. He pulled himself up and answered the door.
'Oh, wow.' He said. 'You're back then?'
Taehyung shifted on his feet nervously. 'Yes, I'm not here to cause trouble.'
'I want to apologise for everything.'
'I see.' Suga nodded. 'You best come in then.'
Taehyung stared in disbelief. 'Are you sure?'
'Yes. I've been waiting for you to come back. I have questions.'
'Right, yes.' Taehyung stepped inside.
'Come on then. Let's do this.' Suga sat down and motioned for Taehyung to sit too.
'I really am sorry, Suga. I should never have done that to you.'
'Mm.' Suga agreed. 'So, what was it? Did you think I was sleeping with Hoseok?'
'Well, no. I don't know. I just saw you both always together and, I was jealous. I'm better now, though. I got help.'
'Good. Obviously, while I was stuck in that bunker, I was very pissed at you. Once I was out, I couldn't think about what I should do with you. I sent messages to mess with you. But I can't hate you no matter how hard I try. Because you are all my family.'
'I can't ever make up for what I did. I wish I could. I hate myself so much.'
'I think you have a long way to go before you can get your friends back, Tae. Don't stop trying, though. This is your punishment.'
'Suga, I really expected you to hate me.'
'Me too. But, staying in the past is never good for anyone. So, let's not do that. Okay? Besides if you do try to cause shit again, I will know.'
Taehyung stared at Suga puzzled. 'What do you mean?'
'Ah,' Suga smiled. 'Nothing. Just you better be good from now on.'
Taehyung nodded. ' I will.'

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