Part Five Desire

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At the bookstore, Hoseok busied himself stacking shelves. He still could not stop thinking about Taehyung. Yes, he was now happy with Jimin. But, what if Taehyung had not been so jealous? Would they still be together? Would they even have gotten together at all?
Hoseok froze. He took a deep breath and turned around. Taehyung stood behind him.
How long had he been there? Hoseok thought.
'How are you?' Taehyung asked.
'I'm good.' Hoseok lied. He turned to walk away but, Taehyung held onto his arm. He let go when Hoseok shot him a glare.
'Sorry, Hoseok.'
'You keep saying that but, it doesn't seem to be helping.'
'Can I talk to you?'
'No, I'm working.'
'Then can we talk after work?'
'Tae, to be honest, I'd rather not. I have nothing to say to you.'
Taehyung could feel the tears forming. He sighed and nodded. 'Okay, I won't stop trying, though.' And with one last look, he exited the bookstore.

The boy's agreed that it was time to get into the Christmas mood. So, they all piled into their local pub. They were in high spirits and somewhat drunk.
'You look so beautiful tonight, Hobi.' Jimin whispered to Hoseok.
Hoseok giggled. 'You say that every day.'
'Because every day you are beautiful.'
Hoseok felt his cheeks flush pink. 'Okay, that was a good one. But, now I have to pee.'
Jimin groaned. 'Aw, you ruined the moment.'
Hoseok laughed and gave Jimin a cute little wave before heading to the toilets.

After he had done the necessary part, Hoseok stood a moment. He was staring into the mirror. Recently he had dyed his hair black. And though he does like it, he can't help missing the bright red hair he used to have when he was with...him.
'Hoseok, uh hi.'
Hoseok jumped. Taehyung was beside him looking just as surprised to see him too.
'Tae I can't talk to you right now.'
'Your hair is different. I liked the red better.'
'I know. That's why I changed it.'
Taehyung looked at his feet. 'Hoseok, I never meant to hurt you. How can I make up for that?'
'You can't.'
Taehyung stroked Hoseok's hair, and Hoseok shivered.
'You are still beautiful, Hoseok. I still love you.'
'Stop it!' Hoseok pushed Taehyung away. He charged out of the toilets, instead of going back to his friends, he left the pub completely. And hid in an alleyway. He leaned against the wall crying. He felt so heartbroken but, worse than that. He felt ashamed because he had badly wanted to hold Taehyung, for Taehyung to say that everything will be okay now.
Taehyung had looked so handsome, his big eyes and plump lips were just as Hoseok had remembered. But, the once blond hair was now red.
When did he do that? Hoseok wondered. When I saw him the other night was his hair blond then or red?
All he did know was that Taehyung looked very sexy, especially with that red hair.
"Stop it!' He screamed at himself.
Hey!' A man called Hoseok.
'Hoseok looked up to see two big men grinning down at him.
'You got any money, kid?' The taller man asked.
Hoseok blinked. 'What?'
'Are you dumb?' the shorter man growled. 'Give us your wallet.'
'I can't just give you my wallet. That's crazy.'
'You think you're a big man, eh, boy?'
'No.' Hoseok tried to stand, the taller man pushed him back down.
'Come on the little boy. Unless you want a beating.'
Hoseok closed his eyes, waiting for the beating. There was no way he would give them his wallet. He barely had that much money anyway. A beating seemed to be the best option until he felt his skull smack against the wall. Followed by immense pain and slightly blurred vision. He then regretted not giving them his wallet. Now it was too late, and there was nothing he could do to stop them.
'HEY!' Another voice shouted. 'Leave him alone!'
'Fuck off, punk!' One of the men spat back.
The third person said simply. 'Well I have called the police already, they are on their way now. And I have video evidence of your crime on my phone. You can run if you want to, or wait for the cops to show up.'
'You little-' The man stopped talking. He could hear sirens. 'Let's go!' He told his partner, and they both sped away.
The third person stepped closer to Hoseok and held his shoulder.
'Tae?' Hoseok whispered. 'Thank you.' And forgetting everything, Hoseok wrapped his arms around Taehyung.
'Did you really call the police?' Hoseok asked, letting go of Taehyung.
'No.' Taehyung laughed. 'So those sirens were a bit of good luck.'
Hoseok laughed then held his head. 'Ah, my head hurts.'
'Let me see.' Taehyung checked Hoseok's head. There was a bruise formin already on his forehead. He stroked Hoseok's hair. It was wet. Why is it wet? Taehyung looked at his hand.
'Shit! Hoseok you're bleeding. I'll call an ambulance.
'I'm fine.' Hoseok moaned.
'No, you're not, and you're cold. Here take my coat.'
Taehyung wrapped his jacket around Hoseok and called for an ambulance.
'Tae,' Hoseok groaned. He was suddenly feeling sleepy. 'You don't have to...'
Taehyung grabbed his friend's shoulders. Hoseok had lost consciousness. 'Hoseok no! you have to stay awake! Hoseok! Please!' He shouted down his phone. 'Hurry up I can't wake him!'
The person on the phone told Taehyung to stay on the line and stay calm until the ambulance arrives.
'Stay calm!' Taehyung screamed. 'How the fuck can I stay calm?'
He was now crying and pleading with Hoseok to wake up
'Hoseok, please wake up, baby.'
He cuddled Hoseok trying to keep him warm.
'What the hell are you doing?' Someone called and dragged Taehyung away from Hoseok. It was Jimin. He tried to wake Hoseok.
'What did you do?' Jimin growled at Taehyung.
'It wasn't me! Some guys attacked him!'
'Just get away from him!'
'Jimin I swear, I didn't hurt him!'
'Just go!'
Taehyung leapt to his feet and ran. What could he do? Now the others will think he hurt Hoseok too. Crying heavily, Taehyung fell to the ground. He needed to make sure that Hoseok will be okay. But he can not go back Jimin will not let him. Taehyung gathered himself up and ran towards the hospital, fearing the worst for Hoseok.

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