Part Three Happy

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  'Kookie, just hurry up and pick one!' Jin complained.
It felt like Jungkook had been looking at figures for an hour. Jin wanted to move on to other shops. Since Christmas is only two weeks away, they really needed to get Christmas shopping finished.
'But,' said Jungkook. 'I don't know which one Jimin will like better.'
'Kookie, it's Jimin. He will like whatever you get him.'
'Hmm, okay, this one!' He grabbed one of the figures. 'Wait, no. That one!'
Jin grabbed Jungkook and pushed him towards the cashier.
'Yep, that's the one. Let's go.'
Finally, Jungkook bought the gift, and they headed out of the shop.
'Aw,' Jin said.
'What?' Jungkook looked to see where Jin was looking. Right ahead of them was Hoseok and Jimin, smiling and hugging each other.
'They look so happy.' Jungkook observed.
'Yes, they do. I hope they can stay that way.'
'Jin!' Namjoon ran to them. 'We are having Christmas dinner at yours again, right?'
'Yes, of course!'
Jin smiled. 'You're gonna help me make it.'
'What? Oh.' Namjoon sulked. 'Maybe I shouldn't, you know I'm not good at that stuff.'
'Exactly, you need to learn.'
Jungkook laughed. ' Can I help too?'
'No.' Jin told him. 'You will just eat it all instead.'
Jungkook pouted, and Namjoon laughed.
Namjoon nodded at Hoseok and Jimin. 'It's so nice to see Hoseok smile again. It's been too long.'

  Jungkook just won his fifth online match of the night. He was feeling good, thinking about starting another game when there came a knock at the door.
He opened the door and quickly tried to close it again, but someone stopped him before it could close.
Jungkook groaned. 'Tae why do you put me in these situations?' He let him step inside.
'Kookie, I'm sorry for asking you to let me go. I should have handed myself in.'
'Do you know how hard that was for me?'
'Not at the time, I didn't.'
'I won't cover for you again. I'll tell them you're back.'
'It's okay, kookie, they know I'm back. I've seen Hoseok and Suga already.'
'Alright.' Jungkook nodded. 'How did that go?'
Taehyung shrugged. 'With Suga, better than expected. With Hoseok, worse.'
'You can't blame him.'
'I know, I don't. I want to make it right.'
Jungkook disappeared into the kitchen and came back with two beers. He handed one to Taehyung.
'Okay. Well, that sounds like a good plan. I'm still angry at you, though.'
Taehyung nodded.
'So,' Jungkook asked. 'Who's next on the apology to-do list?'
'Jin, Namjoon and...Jimin.'
'Ah, Jimin won't be easy. You know he lives with Hobi now?'
'What? No, I thought Christian did. He answered the door to me.'
'Hobi, dated Christian a few times but, it didn't go anywhere. They're just friends.'
'And Jimin?'
Jungkook hesitated.
'It's okay, kookie you can tell me. I won't get mad.'
'Alright, Jimin helped Hobi a lot after you had gone. They just sort of became an item again. I don't think they planned it. Hoseok has been really happy lately.'
'Good.' Smiled Taehyung. 'He deserves to be happy.
'Where are you staying now?'
'I'm gonna ask my parents if I can stay with them for a while.'
'Maybe,' Jungkook paused. 'Maybe you could stay here.'
'I don't want to make trouble for you.'
'You won't. This is my home. You're a friend, so you can stay.'
Thank you, kookie.'
'No problem. Just make sure you behave.'
'I will, I promise.'

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