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Justin POV

Isabella and I have been getting along with each other pretty well. She is beautiful, intelligent, and a good listener; she is actually helping me by listening to my problems and I feel bad for not getting to know her. When she isn't helping me she still is helping me by cleaning and cooking, the only thing I know about her is that she is 19 and isn't in college.

Today is Thursday the 21st and it is 12:34 AM, Isabella is still here sitting on my couch with me so I can express my feelings.

"Ms. Jackson it's getting late you don't have to stay here for me" I felt bad I kept her here for so long.

"You don't have to call me that and you're probably right, I don't want to miss the bus" she gets up packing her things up.

"Woah wait, you take a bus to get here?" I jump up and I think I startled her.

"Yea I do" she slightly smiles before grabbing her jacket and walking to the door.

"How? There isn't a bus stop anywhere near" I ask.

"I walk the rest of the way, but it's all good walking is good for my body" I don't know how she is always so positive.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to take the bus at this time, I'll drive you home" I suggest but she refuses.

"I don't think it's a good idea for paparazzi to see you dropping me home" she says.

"How would they know it's me?" I reply.

"Your very interesting cars kind of give it away" she chuckles "it's ok really" she smiles.

"No it's not because I don't want to be the reason why something happens to you. Umm just stay here for the night, okay?" she furrows her brows lost in confusion.

"Mr.Bieber I don't think that's a sm-"

"Please?" I didn't mean to cut her off but it just happened.

"Mr. Bieber I don't have a change of clothes for tomorrow or for tonight" she shakes her head.

"You can wear my clothes" I clear my throat and she just nods.

"I see you're not going to give up so alright" she sighs.

I grabbed her jacket and purse and put them on the couch. I took her hand and brought her upstairs to show her the room she would be sleeping in tonight.

"This room is bigger than my apartment" she laughed out.

I went to my room and got a pair of my sweats and a shirt for Isabella, I returned to her room and handed her the clothes. She gave me a smile and said goodnight as I left her room, I crawled in my bed thinking about her; lately all I've been doing is thinking about her but it's not intentional, she just shows up and when she does sleep just takes me away.

The next morning I am awoken by the scent of bacon, I go downstairs to the kitchen to see Isabella standing in front of the stove cooking breakfast.

"Hey" I say walking to the fridge to get some orange juice.

"Good morning" she flashes that beautiful smile of hers then turns around to finish cooking. She puts my plate of food on the island counter then she begins washing the pots.

"Aren't you going to eat too?" I take a bite of my eggs.

"No, I'm not a breakfast person. I'll just have a glass of juice" she finishes washing the pots then sits next to me drinking her juice "Thank you for letting me stay here last night" she smiles.

"And thank you for breakfast" I reply. The room is silent but I decide to break the silence by asking her a question "Where are you from?"

"Chicago" she sips her juice.

"Favorite color?" I bite my bacon.

"Don't have one" she states.

"Why not?" I turn watching take another sip before she licks her lips.

"Because I like too many" she grins.

"Birthday?" I ask a different question.

"Feburary 14" she raises her eyebrow.

"Ah your a cupid baby?" I smirk.

"Can I ask why you are asking all these questions?" she laughs.

"I'm trying to get to know you" I say.

"Sounds like you are trying to stalk me" she says and I couldn't help but laugh. She stares at me in disbelief and I was lost.

"What?" I ask.

"You're actually laughing, I haven't seen you laugh since I got here" she smiles.

Isabella POV

I got Justin to laugh and it seemed like a legit laugh, he was smiling and his little dimple on the side of his cheek was showing. I had this feeling running through my body and I didn't know why, I felt happy because I made him laugh. He was so miserable and I actually got him to laugh.

"You're actually laughing, I haven't seen you laugh since I got here" I felt a big smile upon my face.

"Well it looks like you're the only one who can make me laugh" he grins.

When those words came out of his mouth I felt special, it's too weird to explain. I just know I'm the one in his life making a difference.

"I guess so" I smirk.

"Can I ask you a question?" he mumbles.

"I don't see why not, you've been doing it for the last 10 minutes" I laugh looking at the clock.

"Why did you leave home? were you not happy?" his voice is lower.

"No I wasn't. My parents loved me and gave me everything but that was the problem, I got everything even the stuff I didn't want nor need and that's what made me leave." I sigh "My dad is a CEO for a big company and my mom's a lawyer everytime they had some type of stupid party or fundraiser I was forced to wear something I didn't want or like and to speak in a ridiculous manner. It was preposterous and I hated every bit of it."

"So how'd you leave?" he asks.

"When I turned 18 I took some money out of my trust fund to get a small place here and get my self started because the money I was saving wasn't enough, but once I got everything going I never touched my trust fund money again"

"What about your parents?" he grabbed my hand and sat me on the couch in the livingroom.

"My mom is way more upset than my dad, he isn't upset just disappointed because he feels like he's failed as a parent but he hasn't because he let me go and live my life the way I want to. My mother on the other hand is a control freak, everything has to go her way or there is no way; sometimes I feel like she doesn't like me" I started getting emotional and I think Justin could tell.

"I'm sure she loves you, I'm sure every kid feels like their parent doesn't like them sometimes and whose parent isn't a control freak?" he chuckles. "The only person who knows what you want is you. It's nice to know that you don't care for material things even if you are wealthy" he smiles.

"I'm not parents are" I whispered.

"I guess you make a point" he scratches the back of his neck.

"Anymore questions Mr.Bieber?" I chuckle.

He gets up and walks to the other side of the livingroom and grabs his guitar "You still want to learn how to play?" he smiles turning back around holding the guitar.

Hope you all liked this chapter. Follow me on Twitter @Jazzy_Velasquez I made it a while ago and I only have 745 followers. Thanks for reading don't gorget to comment, follow, and vote :* Stay flawless ;)

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