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Isabella POV

I woke up this morning and I knew it was really early because the sun wasn't even up yet. Justin's arm was wrapped around me and I didn't want to move to wake him, I carefully picked up Justin's hand and moved it to the side.

I got up from the bed and quietly walked downstairs, the living room smelt like burning wood and apple cinnamon. The smell of the house was comforting, I walked to the kitchen and made a cup of peppermint tea. While pouring the tea in my mug, I felt the presence of someone in the room. I turned around and Jazmyn was standing behind me, she looked scared.

"Jazzy? Are you ok?" I ask concerned.

"I had a bad dream" she whimpers.

I picked her up and carried her to the living room with me, I lit the fireplace and I snuggled her on the couch as a warm furry blanket covered us.

"Are you still tired?" I whisper trying not to make too much noise.

"Yes" she mumbles in my chest.

I began lightly playing with her hair and humming the tune to Bella's Lullaby. In a few minutes Jazzy was out like a light, I got up from the couch and tucked her in properly. She looked so precious, made me wish that sometimes I had a sister.

I saw my purse on the other couch and I reached for it, I was looking all in the purse but I wasn't sure what I was looking for. I found tampons, gum, lipgloss, most of the essential girl stuff.

Until I reached the bottom of my purse, there it was; my pills. It was an orange pill bottle with my name on it; "Xanax" the pill bottle read, prescribed by Dr. Foster.

I took the pill bottle with me and went back to the kitchen. I stood over the sink and continued staring at the pills, so many thoughts ran in my hand and I didn't know what to do.

"I'm perfectly fine"

I opened the pill bottle and threw the pills down the drain. I didn't need them, I kept convincing myself I was fine and that was because I was. I took the pill bottle and threw it away in the trash, I turned around and Justin was standing there; he had so much hurt in his eyes.

"Why would you do that?" he whispered trying not to wake up Jazmyn.

"Because I don't need them. I'm not talking about this anymore" I walked past him but he grabbed my arm.

"You never want to talk about it" he glances in my eyes.

"That's because there's nothing to talk about Justin" I walked away and went back upstairs to my room.

I layed on the soft bed with all white silk sheets and I found myself still exhausted but I couldn't sleep, it's like my mind was telling my body not to shut down and I hated it. The last time I looked at the clock it was 6:13 AM now it's 11:45 AM, no one has knocked on my door because they probably think that I'm still sleeping.

I get up from the bed and head back downstairs but the whole house was quiet.

"Justin?" I yell around wondering if he was here.

"Jaxon?" No answers.

"Jazzy?" Nothing.

Nobody was home so I decided to just go and take a shower, I washed my hair with my coconut shower and I washed my face. I got out the shower, dried my hair and picked out my outfit; I wore my denim skinny jeans, my white tee, and my grey uggs.

I wondered where Justin and the kids went so I kept calling his phone but he never answered, after calling him a couple times I decided to just let it go. I went to the kitchen, grabbed a beer and headed back up to my room. I pulled out my favorite book "The Great Gatsby"

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