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Isabella POV

"You ready?" The husky voice asks.

Justin and I were going back home to California, neither one of us wanted to leave but we had to.

"Yeah" I sighed heavily.

"I know, I don't want to leave either" he grabs my bags and heads to the car.

Surprisingly we got to the airport with no disturbance by anyone, it was as if no one knew us and I liked it because I didn't feel like dealing with the yelling of hormonal teens and the flashing of cameras.

We boarded the plane and Justin looks so sad, his eyes were a little watery and I could tell that he wanted to cry. I got up from my seat and pulled him into a hug.

"Everything's going to be alright" I chuckle. "Did you like my play on words?" I laugh while wiping the tear that fell down his cheek.

"That was pretty clever" he smiles. He places a kiss on my lips and it felt as if my soul left my body.

"What was that for?" I blush.

"It was for being amazing" he pecks my cheek and gives me a smile. "I won't forget the first day we met" he chuckles.

"You were rude and commanding" I laugh.

"I guess I was kind of an ass" He says. "But then you fixed my piano" he smiles widely.

Knowing that I can make Justin smile so much makes me happy because I know I'm making his life better. The rest of the trip we talked about our feelings and our childhood mainly.

"I've been working on a song" Justin says out of nowhere.

"What's it about?" I ask.

"You" He whispers. When he said the song was about me I felt so happy but so nervous.

"Is it a good song or a bad one?" I asked hesitantly.

"It's most definitely a good song, I'm just not done yet but when I am I will let you know" he nods. "I'll play you a little tomorrow"

The conversation about the song didn't last for long because I fell asleep on Justin's shoulder, I think he also fell asleep.

The first thing we did when we landed in California was go to In n Out, Justin has been craving it since we boarded the plane.

"Aren't you always talking about staying healthy?" I giggle.

"Yeah, so?" Justin smiles.

"I don't think fries, burgers, and a large drink is considered healthy" I shake my head while laughing.

While Justin was ordering he froze, it was as if he'd seen a ghost.

"Selena?" He mouthed.

She was an average height and she was beautiful, compared to her I look like trash. Her brunette hair flowed down her shoulders so perfectly, I didn't really see why she was getting so much hate from everyone, she's pretty and seems nice.

When she turned around and noticed Justin he had a different look in his eyes, they were sparkling as if his eyes just landed on a pile of diamonds. I've never seen him like this.

"Hi Justin" she smiles as she reaches for a hug.

"Hey Selena, how you been?" I was standing there so awkwardly watching them converse.

"I'm doing good, how about you?" She smiles at him then her eyes quickly land on me but then she focuses back on Justin.

"I've been better, but listen I'm having party tomorrow night you should come"  He grabs the food.

"You are?" She asks.

"You are?" I repeated.

He looked at me then back at Selena "Yeah I am" he nods. "I'll see you tomorrow night" he gives her another hug and she kisses his cheek.

During the car ride to his house I stayed quiet, I was hurt because he promised that we had plans tomorrow but he cancelled it to have a dumb ass party.

"Here's your burger" Justin laugh while eating a fry.

"I lost my appetite so I think I may just go home" I got up from my seat but Justin grabbed my hand.

"Bella what's wrong?" I wasn't in the mood to answer so I just shook his head. "Your  suitcases are here so let me just take you home" He grabs his keys.

"No it's cool, I'll just get a taxi" I walk away.

"You sure beca-"

"Justin I'm fine really, just plan your party ok?" I took my suitcase and left his house.

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