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Justin POV

The ticking sound of a clock fills the silent room as I sit on the black couch in the plain white room facing across a man with glasses and his hair slicked back. The man sits on the opposite couch with one leg over the other writing in a small binder with my name on the front, the room is so silent I can hear the tip of pen being rubbed on the paper causing me to cringe at the sound.

"Justin the session started 45 minutes ago and you still haven't said a word, why is that?" he puts the pen down looking at me.

"Doctor Coleman we've been over this everyday for the past 3 months. Nothing is wrong with me" I tap my fingers lightly on the arm of the couch.

"Justin you are lying" he picks the pen back up and starts to write again.

"Excuse me?" I observe Dr. Coleman.

"You see Justin a sign that someone is lying is that they fidget, either with their own body or with random things around them. Fidgeting results from nervous energy produced by a fear of being found out. In order to release the nervous energy, liars often fidget with a chair, a handkerchief, or a part of their body." he writes in his book then looks back up and points at my hand.

"So what? I can't tap my fingers on objects?" I started becoming defensive "And what do you write in that book? I barely say anything" I shrug.

"Indeed Mr.Bieber but when you do speak it's just a bunch of lies leaving your mouth. Another way I can prove you are lying is by the "Mid-sentence jump." "The mid-sentence jump is when a clever liar tries to distract attention away from him or herself by interrupting themselves mid-stream and talking about something else." he closes his binder and grabs his suitcase.

"Where are you going?" I stutter.

"Justin I am leaving because apparently I can't get through to you, hopefully someone can get you to open up and talk about how you feel. Goodbye Mr.Bieber" The shadow of the tall man leaves through my double doors, I hear the front doors close and I leave the room I was in entering the living room which smelled like citrus and was properly clean.

A sit down on the couch staring at the ground with my hands running through my hair, I hear the sound of heels around the house making their way towards me.

"Mr.Bieber would you like your lunch now?" the angelic voice asks but I don't reply to her.

"Mr.Bieber are you ok?" she whispers taking a step closer to me. Out of everyone she is the first person in a while to ask me if I am ok, my therapist never does that all he cares about is the money. I know he doesn't write anything in that damn book all he does is draw in it but I act like I don't know.

"I'm fine" I mumble and get up to leave but she stops me

"Mr.Bieber want do you want for lunch?" she asks again.

"I am not hungry Ms.Jackson" I walked away and entered my piano room.

Isabella POV

Something clearly happened between Justin and Mr.Coleman, Coleman stormed out the house and Justin looks upset. I feel so bad for him even his own therapist won't help him, one time he left a file on the kitchen counter and I picked it up to return it but when I dropped it a bunch of drawings fell out of the binder.

Justin seems like a nice person but he isolates himself, the other day I was here to witness one of the parties and I felt like all of Los Angeles was in this house but not once did Justin even speak to someone it was as if he was invisible in his own home. He barely even eats all he does is drink, sleep, gets high, and plays the piano most of the day.

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