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Isabella POV


I slowly open my eyes and I look around to see that I'm in a hospital room, machines hooked up to my body and the room was so cold. The last thing I remember was me yelling at Justin but I can't remember why, my head was killing me and I was drowsy.

"Hello Isabella" My regular doctor walks through the door with a clipboard in his hand.

"Hey Dr. Morgan" I weakly smile. Since I moved to L.A. Dr. Morgan has been the only one I trust.

"Isabella do you remember what happened to you?" Dr. Morgan checks one of the machines.

"Not really, I remember arguing with my boss then I heard the voices again and that was it" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Isabella have you been taking your medication?" He asks, I tried to avoid eye contact with him.

"Yeah I've been taking my anti-depressant pills" I nod slowly. Truth is I'm supposed to be taking another type of medication but I don't.

"Not those pills Isabella. You complain about the voices and I prescribe you with the medication and you don't take it, Isabella you know your condition" Dr. Morgan was disappointed in me.

A couple of months ago I went to the Dr. Morgan to tell him about the voices I've been hearing since I was a kid, everytime I told my parents my mom thought I was just seeking attention. After a couple of testing Dr. Morgan diagnosed me with Schizophrenia, which I highly doubt I have.

"Dr. Morgan I don't have schizophrenia" I roll my eyes and grunt. "I'm fine"

"Ms. Jackson if you were fine you wouldn't be fainting randomly and hearing voices since you were a child" Dr. Morgan walks towards me. "You have the symptoms of a schizophrenic"

"Schizophrenics are crazy, I'm not crazy" I shook my head rapidly.

"Not all schizophrenics are crazy, and if you don't believe you're schizophrenic let's go down the list of symptoms" He pulls out a pen and begins writing.

Compulsive behavior ☑

Self harm ☑

Anxiety ☑

Depression ☑

Auditory Hallucination ☑

Inappropriate Emotional Response ☑

Every symptom Dr. Morgan listed I had, I kept denying everything because I don't want to find out that there's another thing wrong with me.

"Listen you have a visitor so I will bring them in" Dr. Morgan left the room and I was stuck on the bed with watery eyes.

I heard the door open again but I chose not to look, my mind was still focused on everything that Dr. Morgan said, I'm a schizophrenic.

"Bella?" The croaky voice called out my name but I ignored it. "Isabella are you okay?" Justin sits next to me on the bed.

"Do I look okay?" I whisper, still looking at the ceiling.

"Sorry" he looks down as if I just scolded him "Do you need anything?" He whispers.

"No, just go home" I mumbled while breathing out heavily.

Justin POV

Bella obviously wasn't alright but everytime I asked what was wrong she was annoyed. I came to visit her but she told me to go home, while leaving the hospital I bump into her doctor.

"Dr. Morgan what's wrong with Bella?" I ask sternly.

"That's confidential Mr. Bieber" he shakes his head.

"Is it because she doesn't take her pills? She promised me she would" I clenched my jaw.

"Maybe you should go home and rest Mr. Bieber, have a good night" Dr. Morgan had a slight shocked look on his face then walked away.

I was pissed off because nobody was telling me what was going on, as soon as I exited the hospital the paparazzi were waiting for me. I got to my car and sped off driving home, Selena was still over there and I was relieved because I needed to talk to someone.

I pulled into the driveway and got out the car, it was dark and cold outside. I ran up the steps and entered my house, Selena was on the couch reading a magazine.

"How did everything go?" She puts down the magazine and jumps off the couch.

"No one wants to tell me anything" I sigh throwing my keys on the table. Selena wraps her arms around me and places a kiss on my cheek.

"I'm sure everything is fine" She smiles while running her fingers through my hair.

She kisses my lips and everything I was thinking about just slips out my mind, I'm happy Selena is here to listen and talk to me.        

Isabella POV


I want to say I've been in the hospital for about 3 weeks or so because they've been observing me,  now and I get to go back home today. No one has come to see me well except my doctor, Scooter has called a couple of times and I'm thankful for that.

"Are you ready to go home Bella?" One of the nurses ask me.

"Thrilled, I get to actually eat real food" I chuckle lowly but she has no reaction.

"Ok well here are some clothes and we will call you a cab" I got out the bed and took a shower in the bathroom, I slipped on the clothes and made my way back to the room.

Dr. Morgan was standing in the room with a piece of paper in his hand. "Now Isabella, I'm giving you the prescription you better take the medication. I want you to come back in 2 weeks" Dr. Morgan gives me the prescription before I can say anything, he gives me a smile and walks out the door.

The nurse called a cab to take me home and when it did I couldn't be any happier, I could finally actually get to sleep in a real bed. When I got home the first thing I did was look in the mirror and I looked exhausted, I had bag under my eyes, my hair had so many split ends and looked lifeless.

I looked around my bathroom trying to find the extra bottle of hair bleach and a pair of scissors. I brushed out my hair and I started cutting away my split ends when I was done I put the bleach on, I wasn't really sure why I was bleaching my hair I just knew it was time for a change.

When the bleach finally set in I washed it all away and blow dried my new hair. "Isabella Jackson is officially a blonde" I smiled.     

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