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Quick note, Codie is British so she will call things by the British name and not American. When I'm writing in one of the boy's point of views, I will use American vocabulary, so for now ignore British terminology. Also, she's northern British (Mainly North-West) so it's kinda worse, considering how she should speak and the dialect she should have. Yet, I'm really just going to not include that, as I don't really know about much of it, and quite frankly many wouldn't understand some of it. Also, by North West, I mean the Manchester area.


on my todd/ones- on my own
paddy- tantrum
out on the lash- going getting drunk
pissed- drunk (in this context)
skivvy- personal slave.

The prior happiness that had been present during the last few weeks was not enough to wash away the songs of torment that his brain sang. He lay on Remington's bed, stuck in his own prison of persecution, filled with the terror of being isolated in his own bed. Feelings of self-hate were mildly kept at bay as he lay in the foreign covers, wishing for both of his brothers to return.

The other two Kropp brothers were out celebrating Sebastian's birthday. Emerson had been invited, he just hadn't had the energy but claimed he felt sick. It's not that he didn't want to go out, it was the constant fear of running into Maisie again. He hadn't had the fear in the months after their breakup, it had developed after the incident nearly a month ago.

The fear had manifested after seeing the pain and anguish upon both of his brothers' faces. He hadn't seen the pain on Sebastian's face at the time, but the worried glances he had thrown Emerson's way in the days after the whole ordeal was enough to clue him in on how it had affected his brother.

Alas, the night was still young and his brothers would not return for a very long time. He figured he could use this time to rebuild the mask that lay on his face in shattered pieces on his face, yet here he was, struggling to find the pieces that matched the other. None of the edges seemed to fit with the other, not the way they should have. Whenever he tried to piece two similar pieces together, they would end up with way more jagged edges than when he had initially attempted.

Lying there all he managed to do was bring temporary peace to his brain and thoughts, nothing more. What felt like centuries was merely an hour, and he could tell his grasp on reality's time was warped- mangled even. He was losing his sense of real life after all.

He was losing; there was no doubt in that. Falling into the pit was inevitable, but maybe- just maybe- he didn't have to drag his brothers down with him. That happiness from the two weeks ago fuelled this hope, he had managed to be the reason for his brothers' smiles. That was enough.

On the other side of the bus, Codie was laying in her bed, despite the late time, thinking. About Emerson, The other two men, and her Ex Liam. She didn't know why that asshole appeared in her thoughts, but he did. She wished now that she had chosen to join Remington, at least then she wouldn't be left thinking about her asshole of an ex. The lying manipulative bastard that hurt her in more ways than one. Only once had he hurt her physically, she still had the scar, but it had also been the last straw.

That night she left.

He still had most of her possessions at their- his- house, and she had no intentions of going retrieving them. Not anymore, at first when the relationship ended, she did want to go back, he had brainwashed her into believing he would be the only one to love her, yet she had been able to reconnect with her family after a while, and she realised that he didn't love her. He loved his control over her. He loved her body; maybe that's why she ended up doing what she did.

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