Date ~ Daniel Seavey

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You were getting ready for your date with your boyfriend Daniel. He was apart of a band that became your best friends shortly.

Daniel has always been protective of you even before he got the balls to ask you out that one day three years ago.

You had liked Daniel for a really long time as you two were in school together. You even stayed in contact with each other when he joined the band. You were never there for the fame or for clout.

You were there because you truly had feelings.

In with that, you met Gabbie, Jack's girlfriend; Tate, Jonah's girlfriend; Christina, Corbyn's girlfriend; however, Zach was gay.

Zach tries to date, but never gets the chance to actually start dating anyone.

Anyways, you were being attacked by Gabbie, Tina, and Tate with make up brushes.

"Tate, please. Go easy on the make up."
You said.

She smiled before dabbing your face with foundation.

Gabbie was brushing your hair and putting it into a French braid as Tina was choosing your outfit.

All these girls were by your side as it was your third year anniversary with Daniel.

"There you go."
Tate said as she finished off your eyebrows.

You looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled.

You said.

She smiled setting down the brushes as Gabbie finishes your hair.

"I got your outfit!"
Tina yells inside of your closet.

All three of you walk over to it and see Tina with clothes.

You put this on with a pair of knee high boots

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You put this on with a pair of knee high boots.

You stepped out of the bathroom and showed them your outfit.

They call gasp.

"Gorgeous, baby, gorgeous."
Tina said in a weird voice causing you to laugh.

As the clock stroke 7:30pm, the door bell rang.

"Daniel is here."
Gabbie said.

She walked out of the room and you could hear the door open.

"Now or never."
Tate said walking down.

Yo we're so nervous, sure you and him have been dating for three years, but you still got those butterflies when you see him or think of him.

"I'm so nervous."
You said looking at yourself in the body mirror.

"Don't be, you're so gorgeous in your outfit and I'm sure Daniel can agree."
Tina said.

You smile and hug her before walking down the stairs with her.

When down, you come eye to eye with Daniel and smile.

Daniel wore black pants with a button up shirt of the color dark blue and a leather jacket that you got that said king on the back with his worn out checkered printed slip on vans.

"You're so gorgeous, baby. Happy 3 year."
He said before kissing you.

"Happy 3 year handsome."
You say pulling away from the kiss and hug him.

The girl say about you guys.

You shake your head while smiling walking out of the house holding hands with Daniel.

"Have fun you love birds, but not too much fun."
Tate said.

"Don't forget to use protection."
Tina yells.

"Oh my god."
You whisper to Daniel as you approach his car.

Daniel just smiles and laughs before getting in his side and you on your side.


The date was going by. You got to the dinner and were waiting to be seated.

"Table for?"
The person said.

"Table for two, Seavey."
Daniel said. 

The person looked through the book of reservations.

"I'm sorry Mr. Seavey, I don't see your name."
The person said.

Daniel was looked confused.

"I set up this reservation two weeks ago. How is it not here?"
Daniel said.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Seavey. I have other people to attend."
They said before leaving.

You grab Daniel's hand and lead him to the car before getting in.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N."
Daniel said.

"It's fine, Daniel. Let's go see a movie."
You said smiling.

He nods before driving off to the movies.

You guys got out of your car and went to the movie booth when the person puts a sold out sign up.

"What the heck, dude? All movies are sold out?"
Daniel asks.

"Yep, all movies. Some were bought online."
The dude said.

"Even to Spider-Man: into the spider verse?"
You asked.

The dude nods.

You grabbed Daniel's hand and walk to the car.

"What now?"
You ask.

"I have an idea."
Daniel says.

You were on your phone being bored out your mind when Daniel pulls up to Mc. Donald's. You smile and get out of the car.

"I know this isn't some fancy place like you deserve, but it is food."
Daniel said.

"It's fine, Dani. I love it."
You smile.

He smiles back as you guys choose what to eat.


The date wasn't what you or Daniel expected, but nothing is perfect.

You and Daniel ended the night was a sleep over and watched movies on Netflix cuddling. It ended better than it started.

It doesn't matter if a date doesn't go as planned with you or Daniel because love is love and it shouldn't matter what you guys do on a date, it just matter at hat you're doing it together.


This is horrible and I'm a terrible author but I like writing sooo yeah.

I'm bored and decided to write this quick in under an hour.

Anywho I have two more coming for you guys.

Love you guys!

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