Cheat ~ Corbyn Besson

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Corbyn's POV

I arrived home from work and frappes everything in the car before entering my house.

I have been married for around three years to my beautiful wife and I can't wait to see her. I've been on a work trip to California for our new opening to Besson Enterprise.

(A/N: billionaire Corbyn? Yes please! Comment for I should make that a book, he could be a sugar daddy or something.)

I set everything down and notice it was quiet in the house. I began to call out for my wife.

"Honey! I'm home."
I yelled.

No response.

I began walking towards my bedroom and continued to call out for her.

The closer I got to the bedroom door the more I heard the noises.

The noises turned into moans.

"Fuck! Dylan!"
She moaned.

"Fucking hell, baby girl."
He says.

I felt my heart break in two as I open the door seeing my whore of a wife on some fucking asshole.

She turns to me and frowns.

"Corbyn! Baby! It's not want it seems."
She yells.

"Stop, Christina. Yes it is. I knew something was going on when you wouldn't reply to my texts or called me back."
I said.

"Please, Corbyn."
She says.

"I can't believe you. You- you're a slut. A fucking slut. I want you out of my house by tomorrow."
I yelled.

"This is my house too."
She says.

She wraps the blanket around her.

The dude running around the bedroom like a chicken without a head panicking thinking I'm gonna best his ass when I'm not.

"I pay the fucking rent. It's my fucking house. You can fuck off."
I said.

She huffs and puts in some clothes.

I went in my phone and cancelled all of Christina's credit cards since it is my money.

"I want a divorce."
I said.

Christina looked at me.

"Please, Corbyn. No."
She said.

"It doesn't matter. I don't wanna be with a cheater."
I said.

She hasn't been married to me for five years so she doesn't get anything.

"Corbyn, please."
She whines.

"No. You fucking cheated. Get lost."
I said.

That was four years ago. Now I've met someone. Someone named Y/N. She works at Ihob and she is my waitress since I always ask for her. I've been going everyday for a few months now and I was finally ready to ask her out.

I was in my usual suit and tie that I wear since I have work.

She walked up to me wearing a short dress with a small white apron, her shoes widen out white, and her hair in a messy bun. She had no make up on. Totally different from Christina.

Christina always wore dresses and had to make sure she had make up on before leaving the house.

Y/N was fine. She didn't need make up.

"Hey, Y/N."
I said.

"Hey, Bean."
She says.

"How's your day been?"
I asked.

"Good. Want your regular?"
Y/N asked.

"Yes. But I have a question."
I said.

"What is it?"
She asked.

"Would you like to go on a date with me sometime?"
I asked.

Her face turned red and she sat down across from me.

"I thought you'd never ask."
She giggles.


(A/N: I'm adding a slight dirty scene so this imagine ain't short😂🤷‍♀️)

Now me and Y/N are three years married.

We were together for five years before getting married.

I walked into my house and set everything down.

I called out.

I didn't hear anything. Just silence. My heart began to pound out of my chest at the thought of Y/N with someone else. She knows about my past with Christina.

"Fuck, baby."
She moaned.

I closed my eyes and swig the door open.

She jumps up and gasps.

She yells.

I look at her. Her legs spread with a vibrator in her hand and a blanket covering her.

I took off my jacket and crawled to her.

"You scared me."
I whispered.

I kissed up her leg before going to her stomach and then up to her neck.

She asked.

I kissed down her neck to behind her ear and started nibbling in it.

"I thought you were moaning for someone else."
I said.

I made my way between her legs. One of my hands next to her as my other one reached down to her and grabbed her thigh moving it up and giving it a tight squeeze.

"I would never, I love you too much."
She says.

"I know. It's just—- I've been before."
I said reaching down rubbing the inside of her underwear feeling how wet she is.

"I love you and only you. I'm yours. No one else's."
She arched her back as I felt her up.

She was falling apart in my hand. I love her.


This sucks balls like Christina did to the guy she cheated with.

I know Christina or Corbyn would cheat, but it still happens.

This is trash because I only wrote it in 30minutes.

I have a better one for you guys. I just don't know yet.

Love you guys!

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