Miscarraige ~ Jack Avery

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Requested by: Faith_loves_1D


Faith's POV

Pregnancy was something I always looked forward to. Being able to have a baby. Being able to know how it felt to have a human growing in me.

It was such an amazing experience. Well, the first 5 months.

Me and Jack had been married for about five years before we decided to try for a baby.

It took one try for us to end up pregnant. We were so excited for the new chapter in our life.

We were having a girl and we were gonna name her after Jack's sister who is the god mother, her name was gonna be Ophelia Ava Avery.

But one day when I was on my way to meet up with Ava, I decided to take a short cut.


It was a Saturday. And I was on my way to Ava's to hang out with her. We were gonna eat food and watch a lot of movies. I was walking down the streets of LA wearing my new dress that Jack got me. I had a mini book bag on my back with my stuff in it with my phone against my ear talking to Ava and Sydnie.

"Are you always here?"

"Yeah. I'm just gonna take a shortcut.

"You should just stay on the main road. Please."

"Nah. I'm already walking down it. I'll call you guys later."

"Alright. Bye. Please be careful."

"I will be."

I hung up on them and began walking down the road.

It was dark and I could hardly see anything. Now that I was thinking about it. I was getting scared. I held onto my stomach for safety as I walked.

"Now what's a pretty girl like you walking down the street alone?"
A man walked up to me.

I began walking slowly back.

"Please. I don't want any trouble. Take my money it's in my bag."

I threw my bag at him. He took it and started going through it.

He found my baby magazines and a new moms book.

He looked up at me and smiled creepy.

"So you've got a bun in the oven. Sad if anything happened."
He said.

"Please. Just leave us alone."
I said.

Tears daring to come out of my eyes.

Someone yelled.

I looked back and saw the person running down.

I turned back and felt something.

The man stabbed me.

My eyes widen as I fall to the ground.

I hold my stomach as blood pours out.

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