Fake Orgasm~ Daniel Seavey

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You were on the phone with Christina.

"So how was last night?"
She asks.

You let out a sigh.

"It was... good?"
You said.

"Was it? That sounded more like a question."
She laughs.

"I mean, I loved every second if it, but I didn't orgasm."
You said.

Christina let out a fit of laughs.

"Really? Did you fake it?"
She asked.

"Yeah. I did. He didn't seem to notice though."
You said.

"Corbyn can always tell when I fake it, so he makes me orgasm for every one he has doubled."
She says.

You giggle.

"Just tell him or something. You'll like the aftermath."
Christina said.

"What if he gets mad at me?"
You ask.

"I could never."
You hear.

You turn around and see Daniel.

"Christina, I'll call you back later."
You say before hanging up on her.

Your POV

Oh shit, he caught me.

"Dani? Are you mad?"
I asked.

Dani came up to me and wrapped his arms around y waist and brought me in for a hug.

"I could never. Just tell me how many times you faked it."
He says.

I say.

He says.

"What are-"
I was interrupted when I felt his lips on my neck. I let out a quiet moan and tossed my head back.

"Fuck, Dani."
I gasped.

His warm hands when from my waist to grab my ass as we got into a heated make out. My fingers running through his hair as small moans leave both of our mouths.

His hands travel from my ass up to my back under my shirt.

His warm fingers leaving what feels like fire against my cold skin.

I jump and wrap my legs around his waist as he carries upstairs to the bedroom. He lays me down on the bed and I watch him fall off his shirt. I sit up to the edge of the bed where he was. He set his shirt on the ground and watched me as I intertwined his hands with mine as my lips went from his boxer line that appeared from his sagging pants up to his chest area. My lips pressed softly and love bites were left to show my domination to his body that he is only mine. As I reach as far as I can go I look up at him and feel him lean over to kiss me. I kiss back and fall back onto the bed more. He pulls me up onto the bed so my whole body was laying on the bed. My legs close around his body as I feel him grind his area against mine. I take off my shirt and he continues to grind against me as he kisses my neck and bra area.

"Fuck, Dani."
I moaned out.

His lips go form my neck up to my ear.

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