Gay ~ Why Don't We

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               NOT EDITED

It was the day. Today was the day of all days.

Zach was announcing to the world he was gay and dating Jack.

Daniel was announcing to the world he was gay and dating Jonah.

Corbyn was straight and dating Christina, but he wanted to support his best friends in their lives of being gay.

Jack has decided to tell his mom her reaction was, "I knew it." He later told his sisters who didn't seem surprised. His dad, however, was fine with it. His dad supported him in it.

He said "you can't help loving who you love and if that person happens to be a boy or girl who is transgendered into a boy then that's fine because you can't help that, I love you for you."

This honestly brought tears to Jack's eyes to know his dad wouldn't disown him.

Zach told his mom and again she didn't really care since she basically already knew and his siblings didn't understand, but they will eventually.

Daniel told his parents and they were happy, but kinda upset because they couldn't get grandkids.

Jonah told his parents and his dad didn't like it. His dad started calling him names and his mom let him. Jonah cried because he didn't understand why his parents could support him.


The boys had their paints that they put into buckets to be thrown at them when they sing.

Zach was breathing heavy as he heard the chants of their fans.


Repeating, bouncing off of the walls. The noice ringing in their ears.

"It's okay, baby. We can do this."
Jack said.

Zach stared at his beautiful boyfriend, Jack's chocolate brown like eyes staring into Zach's matching ones.

Jack has some inches on Zach so Zach had to look up, his red cheeks turning more red as he stared at Jack with a smile.

Jack leans down and kisses behind his ear.

"I love you, baby."
Jack says.

"I love you too."
Zach says before kissing Jack.

Jack pulled Zach closer against him as Zach ran his fingers through Jack's hair.

They pull apart mad smile at each other.

"Let's go. We got this."
Jack says.

Zach nods and walks forward to his spot as everyone starts singing.

"Work all day, work all night, might not get no sleep tonight. Baby can you stay up? We could talk we could dance no matter the circumstance, we don't let it change us."

Daniel moves away to the side as Corbyn came onto stage.

"That's the beautiful thing about us. For all the diamonds and rings we got trust. Roll with me, get it right, fade on a summer night. Let's see where it takes us."

Corbyn was finishing up his line when Zach breathes in and rushes on stage for his part, Jack following.

"I got real big plans baby, for you and me so love me for who I am and for who I'm gonna be. Ain't got everything you want but got everything you need, so take a Chance on me..."

Zach repeated his lines as Jack sang as a back ground singer.

Zach couldn't help but stare at Jack as he sang.

Zach stops singing and Jonah joins in.

"Know you're tired, know you're down know you wanna leave this town.  Baby give me one year, yeah.  Take my hand, take a leap. Girl, you gotta wait and see where I take it from here."

Jonah finishes and walks next to Daniel messing around this him.

Corbyn walks up to the front and begins his part again.

"That's the beautiful thing about you. I know you'd do the same in my shoes. Never switch, never stop. I could see us at the too, girl why don't we go there?"
Corbyn sang.

The girls went wild for it.

As Zach sang his part and the song got closer to finishing Zach began to feel anxiety approach as he knew in the matter of seconds he would be swimming in rainbow paint telling 600,000 people and more that he was gay.

"Take a Chance on-"

"Take a Chance-"

"Come on come on-"

"Just take a Chance on-"

Zach saw the people approach the buckets and he began to breath heavy.

His eyes fell on Jack as he watched Jack do his solo.

Daniel and Jonah took over for the young teen since he wasn't breathing correctly.

The last word played cussing the pain to spill out on them.

The stage was covered in it causing Jonah to shimmy around so he didn't fall.

Jonah went near Daniel and smiled.

Jack went near Zach and smiled.

Corbyn stood in the middle and smiled.

Everyone in the crowd cheered.

Jonah grabbed ahold of Daniel's hips and squeezed them as he kissed him. Daniel ran his fingers through Jonah's hair.

The crowd screamed so loud.

Jack smiles to Zach as Jack went up to him. Jack put his finger in Zach's chin to pull him close so he could kiss him. Zach pulled their bodies together, his arms around his neck and running through his hair. Jack's arms completely around his body like he was hugging him.

The crowd screamed louder as they chanted 'jachary' and 'donah'.

The boys pulled way from their boyfriends and smiled to each other before looking at the crowd.

"Yes we are gay and yes we are dating."
Jonah said.

"Please don't judge us for this. Don't give us your negative vibes."
Daniel says.

"T took a lot of confidence to tell you guys so don't ruin hat with hate comments."
Zach says.

"I can't help it that I love a boy and others people can't help, but like the same sex. Don't judge. Love everyone."
Jack says.

Corbyn sits down and smiles.

"Don't bully my friends, they're all I have besides Christina."
Corbyn says.

Everything was good. It went better than expected because everyone was expected.

Don't be a homophobe.


HONESTLY: my WDW ship is Jachary and Corbina.

No Jabbie(Jack and Gabbie

No Janiel(although I'm reading a book about it and it's bomb😍😍)

No Zay(Kay and Zach)

No Jate(Jonah and Tate

I hope you guys liked this one.



Love you guys!

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