Live ~ Jack Avery

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You were sitting on the bed of Jack's room as he started a live with his little sister Isla. Isla loved you and you honestly know that she prefers you over Jack. Yo we're best friends with Ava and Sydnie.

All of Jack's family loved you which made it easy for you two to date.

You two started dating a year before the band started. Fans had always had a thought that you two were dating. It was until he started spending more time with Gabbie when fans started shipping Jabbie. You'll admit you hated seeing Jabbie on your recommended. Gabbie ended up having feelings for Jack and told him.

Jack said that he loved you and now you guys are going on two years strong.

Everyone apart of why don't we, their families, Jack's family, and your family know you two are dating.

It was just time to tell the fans you two were dating.

Jack was talking with Isla before his mom came home to take her out so you two could tell everyone.

"Why did I see daddy?"
Isla asked.

You looked up and see Jack's cheeks turn a little color pink.

"Guys stop, don't say that."
Jack said blushing.

"Why did it say daddy?"
Isla asked.

You were giggling and could see Jack stuttering to get the words out.

"It's like if you were my dad and I call you daddy."
Isla said.

"Just don't say it."
Jack says.

He fixed his hair a bit before the front door shuts.

"Mom's home."
You said.

Isla ran downstairs, you replacing her.

He looked at you shaking his head.

"I love your sister so much. She is so adorable."
You said.

Jack was reading the comments and decided to say something smart.

"She doesn't love you as much as me."
He says.

You were in complete shock and gasped.

"Jack! They don't know that yet."
You said.

"I love you, I don't wanna hide it."
He says.

"I love you too, noodles."
You said before you two kissed.

You pulled away with a smile and looked at the computer reading comments saying that they were happy for you two.

"And before you guys ask, yes I do call him daddy."
You laughed.

He looked at you.

"Oh my god. Really?"
He laughed.

He continued to laugh as you stared at him. He smiled and looked at you.

He asked.

"Nothing. It's just- you so beautiful."
You said laying your hand on his cheek and running your fingers through his hair.

He said.

You just lean in and kiss him.

Kissing him was like a drug to you. You could never get enough of his kisses. It made you feel loved and beautiful, like him.

You two pull away and he smiles.

"You're beautiful too."
He says.


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