Affair ~ Jack Avery

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              NOT EDITED

"FUCK! Jack!"
You moaned.

Jack thrusted into you hard, the bed board hitting against the wall.

He gasps.

His hair sticking to his forehead as sweat forms. His nails digging into my hips as he pushes into me deeper and harder.

You looked at the clock.


You began to panic.

You tried to get out.

He continued thrusting into you.

You yelled.

He stopped and looked at you confused.

"What, princess?"
He asks.

"Your wife will be here an second! I have to get dressed."
You say.

He checks the clock and rolls his eyes.

He pulls out of you and pulls up his pants.

You put on your maid outfit before opening the door.

You were Jack's mistress. His relationship with his wife has been going down hill for years now. She is always getting home late or going out to clubs or going on a lot of business trips.

Jack would spend his nights drinking in front of his fireplace while you finished cleaning the house or cooking him food.

You ended up joining him one night on the couch which lead to more than what both of you wanted.

But once you both got a taste for each other, it was impossible to forget it.

You two sneak around during the day or at night and have a quickie.

You both agreed on a friends with benefits relationship, but you grew to love him.

You knew he didn't love you back, but to you any ways to have Jack whether it be to make love or to fuck it was enough to feel the emotion when having intercourse.


You stood in the kitchen making dinner when the yelling began.



The yelling back and forth made you laugh because she had no idea what was going on behind her back.

Jack yelled.

Gabriela says.

He fucks me all the time, lovely.

You think to yourself.

The stomping coming downstairs greeting you in the entrance way of the kitchen.

Jack yells.

Gabriela yells back.

Jack yells.

You were staring at him the whole time. You honestly felt yourself getting turned on from his raspy voice from his yells, his messy hair like he just got out of the shower, to his hands in fists showing his anger, to his heavy breathing.

You turned back around continuing to cut the cucumber for the salads.

"Fine, bye asshole."
Gabriela says.

Her heels clinking against the ground as she walks.

She opens the door and slams it before driving off.

Jack let's out a sigh and rubs his eyes.

You continue to cut the cucumbers.

"Sorry you had to hear that."
Jack says.

"It's fine. I hear it all the time."
You say.

You throw the cucumbers into the salad m and pour some ranch into it.

You turn around and hand it to Jack.

"There you go."
You say.

Sometimes to mess around with him you'll pretend that you don't want him so he'll force it out of you.

He says.

You smile and turn around before putting everything away.

"How was recording?"
You asked.

"Good. The boys and I are dropping a new album in a month or so."
Jack says.

(A/N: I fucking wish😩🥺😪)

"Oh cool. I'll make sure to stream it everyday."
You say.

You could feel him smile behind you.

You felt arms wrap around your body.

You turn around and see Hack smiling. He leans in to kiss you and you kiss back. You guys get into a heated make out and he picked you up sitting you on the counter.

And honestly you didn't really want to have sex with him because he was about to divorce his wife and if she found out that he was fucking you you did t want to be caught in the middle of it. You wanted to lay low for a while, but you knew that Jack with his horny self that he wouldn't be able to control himself.

"Wait, Jack."
You say.

He pulls away and looks at you.

"Yes, princess?"
He asks.

"I don't wanna have sex with you."
You say.

His smile turned into pain as he backed away.

He whispers.

"Because your married and you have a wife."
You say.

"That didn't stop you before."
He says, his anger coming out.

"Because I did it out of selfishness. You need to fix your relationship with your wife."
You say.

"I don't want to. She's been cheating on me for like a year now."
Jack says.

Did jack only want me to make her jealous?
You thought.

"You were using me."
You say.

His actions change and he comes near me.

He says.

You nod and look down.

"I just can't fix my relationship with her because I love another girl."
He says.

"Well, then date the other girl. Stop using me."
You say.

Your heart was breaking into a million pieces. You were being used. And on top of that you were having sex with Jack when he loved another girl.

"Y/N, I love you."
He says.

"No you don't. You love another girl. You don't have to pity me."
You say.

"No. I really do love you."
He says.

He leans in and kisses you passionately.

You didn't know if he was lying or not, but you could decide. You let your fantasies take control and wanted to believe.


this is soooo ugly!

I will be updating later on for a request by Faith_loves_1D , I didn't forget about you❤️

Love you guys!

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