Lies ~ Daniel Seavey

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              NOT EDITED

Daniel's POV

Me and this girl have been talking for a while now. Both of us have talked about the fact that I like her and that she likes me. I always asked her if she liked me and her would say yes.

I just didn't understand why she didn't wanna date me.

She was arguing with one her friends and I was there for her.

You are going to be fine. Focus on yourself. You don't need them if they are going to fight with you. You have me and I'll be here for you when you need me, I love you Y/N

That was what I sent her.

Four days before everything went down.

It was a Tuesday and school was back in since we had off this Monday. 

I was sitting in class in first period when I heard Y/N call my name.

She whispers.

I look up from my book and she passes me a note.

It read:

I wanna sit next to you at lunch and hold your hand❤️

             ~ Y/N❤️

I smiled and looked at her. She blushed and continued working.

Later that day it was lunch time and she never did hold my hand.

It was that night I asked her the question, Do you still like me?, she replied with a "Yes, never forget that."

It lead to this big conversation about how her parents didn't let her date and how she was afraid to ruin our friendship, I even told her I couldn't wait for her forever and she kept making e date other girls when all I wanted was her and I thought she wanted me, boy was I stupid.

The next day was an early release day and I was getting hugs from all my friends which made me feel loved.

I see my best friend, Gabbie.

I yelled.

She ran up to me and hugged me.

"I miss you, Dani. We have no classes together."
Gabbie says.

I see Y/N talking to Jack and along with Zach and Jonah. Corbyn wasn't here today, but I did miss him.

I should've known, them talking would lead to me being broken.

The next day it was fine. Everything was.

Christina and Y/N got into a fight and now weren't the best of friends.

I was still a little sore from the conversation I had with Y/N about not dating me, but I knew I would live.

I was walking to one of my friends so we could walk to class then they told me something that I couldn't un-hear, "y/n is dating Jack."

To me, I just thought it was rumors since they were talking.

I arrived in fourth and told Christina about it. She didn't seem surprised.

At lunch it was my last straw.

Her and Jack in front of me, holding hands.

It was as if she was rubbing in my face that I couldn't have her. That I couldn't love her.

"They are just rubbing it in my face."
I whispered to Christina.

She looked at them disgusted.

"You'll be okay."
She says.

I sigh and feel tears coming to my eyes, but I blink them away and hide it with laughter.

"She told me on Tuesday that she lost feelings for you a while ago. I just needed to tell you."
Christina said.

It felt like a pang in my heart when down.

But she kissed my cheek on Tuesday, she told she still liked me on Tuesday.

I nodded my head as the bell rang and I went to fifth period.

There, I talked to my ex,Michelle, she was making me happy along with my friends Alondra, Anthony, and Payton. They were my squad in fifth period.

After school I walked out of school with Christina hating Y/N. I saw Y/N taking pictures with Jack. Tate with Eben taking the pictures. I just walked past them while Tate was saying"so cute." And Eben saying"I stan."

"I can't believe she would do that to you."
Christian said.

"Either can I."
I said.

Later that night me mad Y/N got into a fight.

This resulted in her and I not being friends anymore. I couldn't be friends with someone who would lie about such a small thing. I understand she lost feelings for me, but I mean she could've just told me instead of lying to me about liking me and then holding hands with him the next day.

I thought she was going to make me happy, heal my heart after my ex, but I found my ex and my friends healing my heart from her damage.

She was the reason I was like this. Why I was sad. Why I was hurting. Why I have trust issues.

I loved her, she faked all of it, but for me every second was real.

And now I know her true colors, and boy was she a mess.

Poor daddy Daniel!😩😩

This happened to me.

I liked a girl, she liked me, she lost feelings, she lied about it, and then dated one of my friends's ex-girlfriend.

Yes, I think I'm Bi-idk yet.

But I'm fine. Everything is fine. She called me fake and petty so I'm making this to show how petty I am😊😎

Love you guys!

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