Pregnant ~ Jonah Marais

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Requested by: itszirwinhem

(one of the pictures uploaded in the wrong place so i'm reposting. )


you were meeting Jonah for coffee. this was because you were going to tell him you were pregnant and that it was his.

it was kinda problematic since he and tate were still "together". he and her had been broken up for a while, but haven't told the fans and bringing a baby would be a big mess since you were in the spot light being daniel's sister.

you were shaking, drinking your sweet tea. it was around midnight on a tuesday. you had called jonah late in the night telling him you needed to talk to him and he, of course being the nice person he is, said that he would meet you.

you found out you were pregnant hours before now in the target bathroom with kay, gabbie, christina, and tate with you.

"i can't look.."
you said keeping your eyes closed.

kay was texted zach.

"zach says that jonah is awake for if you actually are, then you can tell him."
she says.

gabbie holds onto lavender.

"see this face..."
gabbie asks pointing to her face looking at you.

you nod.

"this is a baby. if you do get pregnant we can have play dates. oh my god. i'm so excited."
gabbie says jumping up and down causing lavy to giggle.

you smile and sigh.

"listen, i am going to be the fun aunt and take this little one on shopping sprees and teach them the ropes of new york."
christina says excited along with gabbie.

"i ain't even have the kid yet and y'all wanna plan future plans."
you laugh.

christina smiles looking at you before making eye contact to gabbie with a giggly lav.

tate looks at you.

"this is really weird since it's you with my ex, but you're my best friend and i support. just make sure to make me godmother and i'll spoil the fuck out of them."
she laughs.

you giggle and nod standing up and hug her.

you pull away and tate gives you a sympathetic smile.

the girls step away from the sink and you look at yourself in the mirror and sigh before touching the pregnancy test.

kay's alarm going off.

"it's time."
she says turning it off.

you nod and pick it up turning it around.

the two lines being positive felt like a punch.

"oh my god.."
you sob covering your mouth.

christina asks.

you look at thme isth tears in your eyes.

"it's.. positive. i'm pregnant.."
you sigh.

the girls loo kay teach other before squealing jumping up and down.

"oh my god. another baby."
gabbie says.

"i'm gonna spoil the hell out of them. mark my words."
tate says.

christina takes you in a hug.

"you've got this mama. go tell your baby daddy and we will be waiting at your house after."
she whispers.

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